37:He is here


One look at me and the world sees a monster to be put down. They don't see a living breathing person with feelings. 

The demons look at me and only take notice of the fact that I'm half-human, that's all I ever am to them. The half-breed that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as them. 

The humans gape at me and see the demonic bloodline I carry with me. To them I am not human enough, I'm a beast that should be killed before I'm given the chance to kill them.

I've never been human enough or demonic enough for anyone. Always the outcast on the outside looking in while everyone else finds a place for themselves in the world. The bonds I manage to form always end up breaking or being strained due to a fact that is beyond my control.

No one has ever taken the time to ask me how it feels to be discriminated against by everyone in the world. I don't think they understand that no one chooses who they should be born as.