86: A song of sorrows (2)


I sensed a shift in the pillar of balance concerning my friend, Zephirin broke the blood oath and brought the calls of death to his door. 

The wave of colors hitting him indicated that he was dying. Someone else was taking the fall for his mistakes. I tried to feel in the air where the scent of death echoed the loudest. 

I followed the scent, wondering which of my friends were saying their goodbyes. My mind raced to Aarox, I hadn't seen the male in a while since we came to Liradia. 

He is in a dark place, blaming himself for the scars he inflicted on me over the years. He was in self-harm mode and wouldn't hesitate to trade his life for Zephirin if it meant wiping his slate clean. 

I've told him constantly that I've forgiven and forgotten every detail of our bad encounters. My feet raced on the palace ground, time moving out of my grasp.