Chapter 8 - A chance

Kui Lang stretched himself after he stood up from his small stool. His eyes unblinkingly gazed at his finally finished painting of the merman. the painting was too enchanting and he could not take his eyes off of it. "wouldn't it be great if he was real…" he gently touched the merman's dazzling blue eyes.

Ever since he had started painting this series, his dreams had been plagued by this merman. constantly calling his name in his husky voice peering at him with his enchanting eyes. It was too much to bear.

Kui blushed slightly scratching his head.

He was embarrassed to admit that he even had a very… lewd dream with the said merman. but that was only once. After that it was all innocent looks.

"I really need to get out more…" he sighed softly.

It had been a month since he had last left the house. Since he had a huge bank balance, he had ordered food to his doorstep and ate while he painted like a fanatic. It was not a habit he was proud of. But that really helped him finish his series much faster than he had anticipated.

The blue series was a complete set of nine paintings. The series revolves around the lifetime of the young Mer prince depicting his growth till his coronation.

He was not even sure people would be interested in such a series.

But this was the series that renewed his passion so he would never regret taking the time of the day to paint it.

Kui smirked widely. "I should see if any galleries are willing to display it.

Before the forgery debacle with Dai Zu, his works had been quite appreciated by his professors. He had even had a few gallery auctions before.

He took a few photos and packed up the smallest one of his works and headed out.

The nearest gallery was a few kilometers meters away from his house. The owner was a friend of his and they both shared a passion for art. Hitting that place would give him the best chance at displaying his piece.

With a renewed smile, he hopped onto the bus and headed there.

The gallery was quite famous as it was often visited by the nearby rich neighbors. So even when it was a weekday, it still had a few customers.

Taking a deep breath, Kui entered the door.

The owner spotted him right away. But instead of his usual smile, the man looked at him apprehensively.

Kui froze. he had seen that look before. It was the loo his fellow students gave him when that stolen painting debacle came out. His heart started to pound nervously. "h-hi mister Clauidois."

"Kui… how have you been?" The man put on an awkward smile. But as his eyes fell on the packed painting, the man sighed and slightly shook his head.

Before he could even ask, Kui was shot down.

He felt the ground under his feet sink. His eyes blurred slightly.

Kui hurriedly gazed down, not letting the tears fall down. 'it's okay… I can try another store.' He nodded at the owner and left.

There were five other small galleries in this area. But he was not that familiar with them.

After four hours he sat at the bus stop with a defeated sigh. None of them accepted his work. A few of them were quite impressed with his work but as soon as they heard his name, they refused outright. It was so... annoying.

He bit his nails slightly. Slightly opening the wrapped painting. The beautiful young merman was seen playing with the other mermaids tossing a small sea sponge. The evening light cast an orange glow on the beautiful scenery.

'Its fine… this work was just for my emotional recovery. I never meant to sell it.' he gently caressed the canvas.

"That is a beautiful piece. Where did you buy it, kid?"

hearing a soft whisper so close to his ears he was startled to say the least. To his side, an old lady was crouching low, gazing at his work.

"The artist has done a great job at coloring this piece." She smiled softly.

Kui blushed slightly. "Oh... thanks…" he was shy to admit that it was his own work.

But the lady realized it seeing his reaction. "You painted this? wow, you've got such a great talent young man. you will soar heights that's for sure."

Kui chuckled dryly. "That will only happen if people actually accept my work. I hit five galleries today. No one was willing to display my work. Even when I offered to rent their space, they refused." He ranted with a loud sigh.

"They are silly then. Why don't you try Haries? They are good."

Kui gazed at her, biting his lips. The first gallery he tried was Haries. He shook his head at her. "They rejected my work."

"They did?! how stupid of them. Come with me. I'll see what Clauidois has to say about this blunder." She grabbed his hand and started to drag him to the gallery that was close by.

"Miss… it's okay. It's totally okay." He tried his best to release her small wrinkled hands but the old woman was unusually strong.

"Shh... that guy doesn't know what he is talking. How can you reject such a wonderful work." She dragged him into the gallery. "Clauidois, where are you brat?"

"Nona what are you..." Clauidois gazed up at him awkwardly. "Oh Kui..."

"Did you reject this man's work? Are you silly? Did you lose your brain cells?" she ran to the wonder and smacked his head with her small duffel bag.

"Nona that hurts!"

"It better hurt. At least then you will gain a brain cell." she then carefully took the painting from Kui's hand. "Take a good look at this. look how beautiful it is."

Clauidois froze for a second. he hurriedly took out his glasses and wore it whilst squinting his eyes. "The brushwork is excellent."

"I know, right," the old woman chimed in.

All the while Kui just stood there awkwardly.

"Kui this piece is brilliant." Clauidois sighed. "But…"

"I know, mister Clauidois I won't make it awkward for you... I'll leave." Kui bowed deeply. This man had been a friend when he wanted to talk about art. He did not wish to make it any more awkward than it was.

"Wait." the old lady caught his hand again. "We will display your work. Bring them."

"Nona..." Clauidois sighed.

"So what he has a few bad rumors? this painting does not deserve to be buried and forgotten. You better listen to me young brat." The old lady glared at him.

Clauidois peering at Kui. "Saturday…. We have an open auction. Bring your works. We'll display them."

Kui's eyes widened. "t-thank you! Thank you so much." He bowed deeply. "I'm so glad…" the tears he had been holding back poured down. "I'll not disappoint."