Wild dusk.

[Music: River flows in you.]


Micah is alright with laying on the floor. She really is. Because the carpet is softer than the sheets that she spent her night in Ezline's manor. It feels like it is made with feathers. She also takes the Blankets from Severo, so that she is practically sandwiched between them beside the hearth and the heat eats away the coldness in the room. 

But what causes Micah to toss and turn instead of sleeping her exhaustion off is the stories that Severo told her a few moments before when she was getting ready to sleep. It is a story about wandering ghosts and how this place is haunted. That he saw a ghost when he stayed here last time.

Micah feels her teeth clattering with each other from fear, she makes herself almost unnoticeable under sheets and that's when a sound makes her jump. Well, not only jump but also it pulls out a scream from her.