
[Music: Andare by Ludovico Einaudi]


It is when Micah wanders through the garden in the mid-morning that she hears those whispers. She doesn't need to sharpen her ears or hold her breath for a moment to know who those really belong to. It is Ken and Severo– Whispering like some lovers who are trying to suck in the sweetness of their forbidden love. 

Micha wonders why they are whispering when they are standing all alone surrounded by the flowers and are in the shade of a tree that conceals their bodies beside it. Maybe they expected wanderers like Micah. Or maybe Miach alone. 

She tries to ignore the way her heart sinks a little further than she likes at the thought of Severo having a relationship with Ken. She is about to walk back to the manor when she hears the mention of her name. And it is Ken who brought it up.