
Ive pov

I turned my head to see her standing near the stairs. My eyes fell on her pale bare legs that my oversized sweater barely covered. Her legs looked so fucking long and muscular but smooth. My inner beast moaned. She removed the brown stray strands of hair from her big almond round eyes nervously. Her wet hair made me feel worse. The light in the place painted her skin, making her glow. She looks stunning and hot. I don't support global warming. I tried to look away but in vain.

If I hadn't been distracted that day while she cried after I shot that rapist, I probably would have glazed lustfully at her toned and flat stomach. I would have stared at her generous chest. Her breasts which would bounce deliciously whenever she would walk. Right now they were fully covered underneath my clothes.

She not only had a toned body but a muscular one. She exercised a lot. 'What else would one expect from an ex-army officer. Sergeant Lisa Parrish'.

I liked it. I really did.

I didn't understand whether it was because my sweater suited a girl or was it because that girl was no one but her. She wasn't terrified of me, instead she was nervous. It made her look boring. The same sickening feeling lingered around. I was beginning to feel agitated.

"Alpha" I called out to my loyal mate.

A white tiger, a coat of a light cream color with gray stripes. I could say she flinched as she saw Alpha. Everybody would. She stands up for her name Alpha. She was playful but she could activate her destructive mode whenever her duty demanded it. Her sixth sense was remarkable.

She looked at me with her blue eyes, a different shade from the cop's eyes. I brushed her coat fondly as she sat next to my seat like a queen. She was one. She was my queen. She had always been there for me.

What the heck was she waiting for?

Invite her.

Do I have to feed her with my hands?

She kept standing there, lost for some time.

"Sit down"

I hissed through my breath angrily, sending her a glare. In response, she blinked her eyes, taken aback at my sudden sharp tone. She actually shrank, balking from my gaze while trying her best to maintain a stone face as she made her way towards me.

Trying to hide the fact that she just flinched. Scaredy-cat. You wouldn't lose an ounce of your beauty if you get a little scared. Her unmeant submission sent a thrill of contentment through me. I sighed, satisfied deep inside.

She slumped down into the seat across from me. The aroma of my body wash incensed the air. She looked down at the table, biting her lower lip. She looked pretty with her bare face and uncombed hair. I couldn't ignore the reddish wound scar on her temple, looking so out of place on her smooth skin. Silence filled the air between us.

The past few days, I had been sleeping in the guest room while she was unconscious. That smell of blood was disgusting. I could finally get my room back. She would stay with me, in my room. One should keep his enemy closer. She was a cop, so technically my enemy. The thought of a girl being with me alone crossed my mind. My ears burned.

I'm a twenty-three year old virgin. What can I say?

Never been interested or maybe I've been waiting for the right girl.

Bullshit. Just talks.

I had and still have other projects besides fucking someone. I needed to find someone. Someone who resided in my heart since I've known her. I needed to protect her so I could die peacefully.

Not long after, Arnold, my butler, arrived with a tray of food and placed it in front of her. Two fried eggs, bread toast, and a bowl of fruit. He put a glass of milk on the table. She looked my way but I didn't bother to look up at her.

"Boss, should I give Alpha some more food?" he asked.


He took my empty plate and left the room with me and Miss agent and Alpha. She examined her breakfast. I wouldn't poison her. I rolled my eyes. Too old-fashioned. But it wouldn't hurt to try it sometime.

"Are you praying?" I shrugged.

First unsure, the next second she began shoving big spoonfuls of food in her mouth. Her cheeks bulged like that cute little animal. A chipmunk carrying food in their mouth. In all my life, I had never seen a woman eat like this, racing against a clock to finish eating. In fact, I've always sat alone on this table. Well, except for Alpha. She would always keep me company. Even Alpha eyed her as she watched her. I never knew a human being, especially a woman could eat this whole platter of food in one go. She finished everything in five minutes. She took a second to breathe properly.


"Thank you" her voice was smooth, velvet unlike before.

My eyes widened, my eyebrows raised in obvious surprise but I shifted to a neutral one so she wouldn't notice. Her forehead frowned, her nose was slightly wrinkled, she was deep in her thoughts.

"You saved me from something so horrible" she gulped with her eyes pinned on the empty plate as if she was in a trance.

I clenched my jaw, the second I was reminded of it. A feeling of resentment built up in my chest.

"I freaked out only because I couldn't stand it" I uttered blankly.

She leaned her back against the chair and tilted her head towards me. Her body language obviously made it clear that she was more or less okay being around me. She was scared of me however, she didn't dread her life. She was already prepared for the worst.

She stared at me pensively. I could see it in her eyes that she was indeed grateful. I wiggled in my seat, agitation building up inside of me. Those eyes, more like a deep calming ocean color. But I don't like them.

A fork to the neck would cause too much blood splatter. Plus she wouldn't die immediately. But it would be worth it to see her suffering. Struggling to breathe. A weak watery smile spread across her face.

But, I couldn't do it.

She, at that moment, was the most beautiful human I had ever seen. I hadn't even realized that I was staring at her. Her lips slightly trembled. What amazed me more was the look she sent me as if she was staring right into me, picking apart all my secrets. I noticed the very faint mole underneath her left eye.

"Alpha let's go"

She got up at once and followed me as I walked off. I didn't have the patience to deal with that girl. It was pissing me off. My pale skin itched. I had to kill her but not now. She was a trained agent. And she won't reckon to give in to my terror. She was brave. But she'd be a fool to try to escape. She isn't kidnapped by an ordinary killer or gangsters. I am Ive Michaelson, the crime lord in Paradise.

I didn't feel the need to threaten her about the consequences of running away from me. She was already a bright cop. She should have this basic knowledge. Moreover, Alpha would get a full day meal. Crispy meat. Thighs and breasts.

I couldn't help thinking about the faint mole on her face. It brings out her beauty even more. Her skin had no bad pores. It was baby smooth. What is her skin care routine?