
I studied the room more closely. The room was larger than my apartment, furnished with expensive things. I couldn't absorb it well earlier. The room gave the impression of a hotel room. Large with a king size bed. A standing mirror along the side of the bed. A bed stand on the other side, with an alarm clock and a night lamp on top. A laptop sitting on a small cherry wood desk. Thick navy curtains masked the windows. Some of the furniture are antique pieces. Next to the cupboard, there was another desk, a study desk fitted with a chest of drawers and a couple of shelves for books. He had a liking for books. Really? Thriller books.

My mind wasn't working correctly. I find myself staring at the very white wall. My mission was to use him to get away from here. I was a cop. Though, I might not get out of here alive anyway, I should render my life useful for the FBI. Till now, the cops didn't catch him or don't have enough proof to arrest him. If I could, I must find some proof of his wrongdoings, so that I could bring him to justice.

I combed my hair with his comb, trying to unravel the knots running through it. The drugs were still in my veins, I felt a bit dizzy. I laid down on the bed. I rolled over and plopped my head on the pillow. The moment my eyes closed, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps and door opening followed. I sat up straight, my eyes darted to the door.

"What was that about?" he asked, obviously catching on to me and Noah.

His brows knitted into a furrow. I tried to think of what to say to Ive. I forgot he would actually ask me about that.

"Just making a friend"I uttered as quickly as I could.

I braced myself to look straight into his eyes.

If I avoided his gaze, he could sense something was wrong. He didn't respond, all he did was stare at me. I couldn't get a hint what he could possibly be thinking about.

He noticed the card which I kept on the shelves.

"Keep the access card key safe"

His wardrobe was built inside the wall and had fingerprint access or an access card key.

Should I talk to him?

The right time is always now.

"I understand you can't let me go provided that I've seen you and your people." I paused to study him.

I was pretty sure his eyes shouted, threatening me,

'keep talking and I'll kill you'

"Do go on," he said instead.

"Please let me at least text my people that I'm doing fine."

I pleaded with him.

"If you're up to something funny you sneaky cop-"

"No I swear I'm not."

I hesitated to mention Benjamin. Michaelson could be a threat to him but he must have already done background check on me. Benjamin is not hidden from his eyes.

He smiled.

"My brother, he would worry about me. Don't you have-"

It was the wrong move.

The smile dropped from his face as all the semblance of charm and blood were sucked out of his face in that moment. I could see the anger bubbling up in his eyes. In a swift, he reached out to me and abruptly snatched my wrists and pushed me down onto the bed, taking hold of my arms. He trapped my body with his own. His necklace brushed against my chest. His gaze collided with mine as I raised my eyes. His expression darkened, pinning my wrist together as his fingers dug painfully into my skin. Anger and if I was right a tint of sadness reflected in his eyes.

"Quiet" dominance reigned in his words, his nail dug deep enough to make me whimper.

Did I trigger his weak spot? I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. A sweaty scent swirled around him, meddling with my nose. I felt the powerful strength he had over me. His gaze intensified, not leaving mine.

"It won't work on me"his tone was ice but slow and casual.

He was furious. But it worked. His hands were still fixed at their position. He only loosened his grip on me but only enough so it won't hurt anymore.

"Only this once please"I genuinely asked him.

Upon hearing my shaky voice, he slowly released my hands and stood up. I settled onto my elbows.

"You sure?"

"I am"

I was still trying to calm my rapidly beating heart when he threw a black pant on the bed. I stood, keeping safe distance from him.

After a few seconds, his fingers slipped into his pockets and he pulled them out to reveal my mobile phone. He tossed it against the wall, breaking it. I imagined myself dragging this man into a bush and beating him down to the grass in the dirt and fallen leaves.

My fists cluttered his face. He would cry and beg but I kept going ruining his face which he portrayed so proudly. My anger and resentment were pooling inside my body cells deep down, my face still confused. His hands swept the hair off of his forehead, though they fell back as he removed his hands. He sat at the end of the bed and pulled his socks off and threw them into the small basket underneath his bed. He lay back lazily on the bed, crossing his legs. He crossed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes. I directed myself to the bathroom.

Happy moments of Anse and I flooded. Those captured on my phone. I lost them all. But I still had them in my wallet though I don't know where it was. I didn't want to lose those left too. I badly wanted to hear his voice. I needed him. My subconscious mind knew he didn't even say the last I love you. He planned to disappear all along. That love already slipped through my fingers. But I was not willing to let it go. The pain was still there. I won't repress your memories. I'm not afraid of them. I want to live in them, replaying them, facing them.

A picture of Benjamin and I played in my mind. The last time we were together, we celebrated Christmas. Three years back. I smiled. When I would see him again, I was hoping it would be a happier Christmas. I envisioned myself pulling him into a hug. But instead, here I was, a captive. Tears welled up in my eyes. I wiped them away. I slided the pants on. I washed my face and when I pulled my hand back, I noticed the bruises around my wrists.

How on earth am I ever going to be here?

Fuck you Michaelson!


Alpha rested next to Michaelson on the bed. She seemed very serene as she relaxed herself into his touch. Michaelson seems to dote on her.

"You are not going to whine about staying in the same room with me" He said sooner after I entered the room.

What did this boy just say?

"Are you?"

"That's not a damn funny joke Michaelson"

The words tumbled from my mouth before I could stop them. It made me sick to my stomach to think about sharing a room with him. His attention immediately turned towards me. Realising what I just said might anger him, I panicked.

"My name looks good on your lips" he wet his lower lip.

"This way I can keep an eye on you on my own" he sighed.

Would he really keep me alive? Letting me stay here, in his room. He can't be that foolish. I could seize any opportunity to kill him for all he knew. Moreover nobody could stop him if he got side ideas to rape me. Moreover even though he saved me earlier, he was the one who put me into danger.

However, I knew I had to listen to his every order if I wanted to remain alive.

As if sensing my problem, he added,

"I won't touch you. You're not my type"

He rolled his eyes. Can I trust him this much to not touch me? I got second thoughts. Provided that earlier he saved me and I guess he's a virgin surprisingly, he wouldn't touch me. I bet girls drool around him. How did he resist or was he gay? But he can still kill me anytime.

"Such good girl"he touched Alpha's ear dotingly.

I looked around. His room was spacious, enormous..not bad. We could fit in. Plenty of space to stay away from him as well. Staying here in his room would be my safest place. Who would dare to enter his room? Nobody would harass me. Also with that, I would be able to gather maximum information about him. Curiosity hit my thoughts.

Alpha rested her front paws on his thigh to get back his attention.

"Why didn't you kill me yet?" I finally gathered the strength to ask him, no longer able to resist this question.

He appeared pensive and shrugged, caressing Alpha's head as she bit his trousers playfully.

"I'm not supposed to. Don't make me regret it" after a while he replied.

I couldn't believe what I heard.

"Be good to me when I'm good"

He was surprised by my words. But he quickly shifted his expression to the usual cold one.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

I turned away from him, biting my lip.

"Noah isn't your friend" he said in a single breath, his voice laced with such venom for Noah.

Wasn't he his underlying?

But then my mind grasped onto something. He was allowing me to live because of his guilt or something else the matter. I bet he knew I didn't steal his money or whatever. I can use it to my advantage. Never knew Ive has got his principles or a purpose hidden in his sleeve to keep me here. He isn't good to be helping me but he isn't really completely evil. My life has been an anomaly.

"One more thing. Even if you strip in front of me, I wouldn't touch you without your consent. I'll just leave"his ears turned red as he let out the words nonchalantly.

What was that? Assurance or an insult!