Game modes

Story modes is the shenanigans brought upon by. Entity manipulating the Database and bringing people who have no idea what's going on but are thrusted into a scenario where all out wars is bound to happen by the Game master altering probability. So yeah isekai shenanigans in a nutshell but who is chosen and what are there end goals is my next topic.

PvP the most classic of skills check scenarios and a fun get together of closely observed banter and I'll dream of. YouTubers playing it and finding all the Easter eggs most of which is in the dungeon's and there some maps such as the regular mode and siege which is one vs 3 but the single have 3 free points in the tech tree and roughly 5000 supply all together but no direct fighting for a time period which can be decided by the people. But my favourite is containment which places at most 10 players on completely separate islands which have an Minecraft spawned on crack and when you kill an scp you actually just contain it so the one with most wins and the others are mauled by scp-682 or scp-096.

Locke down is where you play as a survivor in a world where the sun turns everything organic to a hellish abomination but hope is in.100 days of hardcore survival (let's go Minecraft) so do your best out there kiddos and you can loot items and maybe become magical from all factions if you find any. Alternatively it could be that scenario where the Foundation turns against humanity or maybe both and did you get the pun sunny boy as in the guys proposal is man named Locke hahaha.

Get working is when you chose a faction and fight for resource silos for scp-2399 to fire at your opponents base which you have no other means of harming or even getting too so no spawn camping and everything comes down to a skill issue if you fuck but a good game is what it is.