My Groups of interest and Scps

For my group of interest it would have to be Irelands Hellfire club for they were known to for various crimes, met the Devil at a card game but most of all whenever they were said to be is a supernatural vortex that have been Investigated by Ghost adventure. So with all that in mind that a society of rich people doing all this then considering that Obskura corps exists and what it represents you can see these people being a real possibility. Now then what would you call those who specialises in anomalies I was thinking "The membership of Draoiloreux." For druids were known to summon elementals and was associated with diviners and magicians who would have celebrities and national figures like the Rugby team and well known criminals and those who "good heritage." Which means those of society that's druid blood in their ranks but let's go on to the anomalies.

Scp blank classification is safe and appears as a large pot that looks like a mix. Of a boiling pot and gardening pot which has engravings depicting the. Rich and the poor in all kinds of version but the material whilst looking like worn out gold is actually, unknown metal which has been used to amplify. Alchemy and the vase was the conduit of many rituals. It's anomalous effect is to gather other's people luck to be used in two ways the first one is for you to shake it rapidly then when engraved images glow you pour it out and produce a entire weeks worth of high tier banks robbery. Showing it has weight manipulation, Midas touch and a pocket dimension but the second way if the current owner would face a misfortune like death or being infected or anything like that it will glow but the best scenario would happen for the owner like a would be killer ending up dead or them being unable to get sick ever again showing probability manipulation and minor to medium blessing implying the pot is a Divine relic.

Scp blank classification is being discussed and is staff made out dead, poisonous or deadly plant and at the centre seems to be. A cult symbol that closely resembles a dream catcher and is noted to be an enriched smell but long periods will introduce a rotten smell. It's ability is quite simply an insult to life itself for the 10 spells are disaster so profound that anything related is redacted by the 05 Council and the organisation have been tormenting those of the Proto and Neo Sarkic faith.

scp blank classification is Euclid and takes the form of the purest form of Ireland associated dogs or in worse case humanoids but may include any of other of native animal species but this matter was brought to notice by. Wilson Wildlife Solutions and we are working together to uncover the true threat of this anomaly but there is suspicious that they were infiltrated by the Irish group of interest that is known by The membership of Draoilorex and ladies who most certainly Succubus or female magic user. By 300 year old document about a prostitution business proposal with those who had means of mass producing a super solider.

Note due to the effort Agent Malsai the Irish mob is sub group along with the Hellfire club as cover operations and a source too displays power and gather money.

Also we are looking in too more scp that reference the Saint Patrick driving the snakes out as a ruse to conceal the truth of. Anomaly from the public and other such stories fiction or not as subtle hints to this threat such as a abound storage unit that hides anomalous resource and scp-148 or a potential moonshiners facility that been active since Prohibitio.