What if evil game G.O.I

For my last what if scenario that is hopefully not a true statement. How bout we go look up some of the scariest groups out there who made us all rage a little, so we'll be looking into two scenarios which is all out war (Grimgor Ironhide approval gained.) Or the good old fashioned containment.

Mysterious complaints from a not so jolly green giant.

Now then our first group of interest is Poppy Play-Time now then the. Foundation would first look into any connection between Playtime Co and Dr Wondertainment and if not keep the good doctor away and set up the site called "The naughty Connor." And send in D-class for exploration and sample collection (remind you of anything.) whilst having guards posted at all available places and I'm gonna add the ones from GammerJoob because Sir-Poops-A-Lots is too funny moment to pass up on.

The next one is my favourite. Rupture Farms have arrived and want too set up why well Dr Bright had the notion to turn scp-682 into the answer for world hunger and by gods someone agrees now it's time for them choke up….oh wait they just joined up with Ambrose restaurant god Damn it.

On the topic of Dr Bright he has reported a memetic hazard in the form of a dream about. Ban-Ban kindergarten and Thomas Jack Bright is a active student in the place of learning and other children who have or are suffering trauma are also there along with the cast of character and we have gathered up a quick summary of all known staff members.

Ban-Ban is the Alpha and is the projecting the. Damn dreams and has hidden the base in complex multi layered pocket dimension and can be assumed as dangerous as the. Old man but far more nefarious if the frequents taunts are a any signs and can channel the powers of the others that will be discussed.

Slow Seline is a cartoonish snail from brief accounts and power is to channel and manipulate the momentum of it self and other things to the point where in. P.E class it shatters the space time continuum barrier at top speed and one volunteer who was a minor. Athletic commission member got friction burns that skinned him entirely but made him burn to death however he in cased within a. Wrist watch like snail shell that prolong his suffering and when his friend fired a gun he found the hunting bullet was stopped and the force of the gun firing a desperate attempt too live was redirected and return with enough force to take down multiple reinforced tanks.

Chef Pigster is a rotund cartoonish pig wearing a chef hat with roughly humanoid shape and abilities are to. Replicate any meal or piece of food even those that are anomalous in nature whether he needs the same preparation his up for. Debate among staff but what we're sure of is that he can devour anything and not only does he grow in size but his chef hat will change it shape and other such features though matter conversion and might be alive.

Our last known staff member goes by the name Sheriff Toadster and is like previous members a. Cartoonish animal or creature with appropriate clothing for its name sake and abilities goes it pair of classic revolvers have infinite ammunition and once the. Bullet makes contact the person is judged and punishment is issue by them suffering for a "misdeeds." However the credibility of this along with the lasso like tongue which bind a person in place by ensnaring their soul which forces them feed the monsters vital information which is very private and detrimental to all involved.

Side notes by assisting researcher Jouza hagirishi

"From the memetic dreams sent by Ban-Ban there seems to be comically large flies accompanying the. Sheriff wearing what you would expect the every day crook from a. Comic book hunting and tackles the victims this implies a possible hive mind and permanently tracking or perhaps forcing their sins to chronological become the victims sins for the Sheriff to exploit.

(By the way keep monitoring Dr Bright for any further contact and overall mental health and I mean it!)

5 days after

(Last update can someone check up on the Scranton reality device I practically live here at the. Foundation and sleep with one but I'm still effected and can someone get the Hume level on the kindergarten please cause I'm a target for an entirely new entity.)