Chapter 7

I rushed through the doors of the emergency room and darted straight to the center operating table, where the young girl that I had saved earlier was lying motionless.

There was a white bed sheet already laid over the innocent child, indicating that she had passed. Sorrow and guilt washed over me like waves as I loomed over her still body.

She didn't deserve to die this way. She-.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save her in time" said the doctor who was sent to come get me earlier.

"Me and my team managed to get the black cocoon off of her, but then we realized that it wasn't the cocoon that wasn't killing her; it was something internally".

"Did you manage to figure out what it was?" I asked, turning around to face the doctor.

"No, not yet. But starting tomorrow my research team will run a series of test to identify what had caused her death" replied the doctor, with a stern look on the young man's face.

I moved my gaze to the white tile floor, before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I shifted my eyes back up to see the young male doctor's face close to mine, only a few inches away.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that she died. You can't save everyone, Miss Marvelous".

The doctor's words echoed through my head as the man patted my shoulder, before he turned and left the emergency room. I stood in my place, thinking about what the doctor had just said to me, before I too left the room.

Walking down the commotion filled hallway, I approached the elevator at the end and stepped into it, pressing the button to go down to the lobby. Thankfully, no one else got on for the ride down, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Once the elevator dinged and the door opened, I stepped out of it and made my way towards a single restroom. I walked inside and locked the door behind me, before letting out a long sigh I didn't know I was holding back.

I placed my hands on the white sink and leaned forward until most of my weight was on the sink.

What am I doing wrong? I thought, staring at the reflection of myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess from the fight. And I could see small noticeable bags under my own eyes. With the band aids on the fresh cuts on my face, I look rough.

Just then, I noticed that my purple cape wasn't on my shoulders, where I saw it last.

Maybe the stupid thing came undone and fell on the floor I thought, before I squatted down to pick it up. But it wasn't on the floor behind me like I thought it was.

That's weird. I thought I saw it-.

I caught a glimpse of something moving in front of me and I looked up, to see my own purple cape staring down at me.

I instantly gasped and jumped back, with one of my hands covering my mouth.

How the hell did my cape become alive?

My eyes frantically scanned up and down the cape, still stunned that it's floating on its own. As if it was reading my thoughts, the purple cape suddenly turned its back to me, to reveal a small, splattered blue-violet stain on the backside of it.

I lightly touched the stain with my right hand, before the cape turned to face me again.

"I must have accidentally got some blue Muskcore blood on you while I was killing off the creatures in the summer...and that made you come alive" I said, murmuring to the cape.

In response, the floating cape nodded its tall purple collar up and down at me, giving me a 'yes'. I blinked at it twice, surprised that the cape could understand me.

After a few moments of me and the cape staring at each other, the levitating cape flicked the bottom part of itself towards the bathroom door.

"Yeah, you're right. We probably should get going" I said, nodding my head at it.

As I walked towards the door, my purple cape flew around me excitedly, clipped onto the front of my chest and then became still once more, before I opened the washroom door and stepped out into the busy hospital lobby.