" So why exactly did you come here? Because I assumed you had another deal for me "Jia said munching on the popcorn
" Oh, right, I bought you a linker " Femzi said bringing out a black box.
" What's a linker " Jia asked frowning.
" Don't tell me you've never heard of that. Anyway, it's a device you can use to connect pentaverse and for searching information. You can also contact people with it. Cool right?! " Femzi said wearing imaginary glasses.
" Aww, Thanks so much. I accept your bribe "Jia said laughing.
" What makes you think I'm bribing you " Femzi said facepalming.
" What is the pentaverse for? "Jia asked wanting to confirm her speculation.
" Oh, it's a search engine "Femzi said with a fake smile.
" You still haven't told me why you were crying. Who hurt you "Femzi said turning protective?
" Ah, that is a story for another day " Jia said.
" Ah okay, I have to go " Femzi said walking towards the door.
" Wait. " Jia said.
" Friends? " She continued.
" Friends " Femzi said disappearing.
" Ugh, can't you walk normally for once " Jia mumbled.
She opens the black box and sees a gold linker studded with few diamonds.
"Wow, it's so beautiful " Jia said as it reflected in the sunlight
[I love it] The system's voice sounded.
" Freak " Jia replied while using all-seeing eyes on the linker. She used all seeing eyes to follow Femzi and saw a place where her all seeing eyes couldn't penetrate.
[Don't hurt yourself. You're too low level to see what's going on there] The system said, hinting at sarcasm.
" Interesting " Jia said still admits the linker the is awesome after checking out its features.
" Boss, I gave her the linker. I think she likes it " Femzi said.
" Hehe, of course she'll like it " The boss said laughing terrifyingly
" But there's a problem. She's asking about the existence of other worlds " Femzi said bowing.
" Eh?!Just make her believe Valhalla is the one and only. You're dismissed " The boss said while Femzi disappears.
Jia was currently watching a movie on her linker while holding kay.
She was laughing hysterically at the funny scene in the movie.
Few minutes later
She was sleeping peacefully on her bed.
she woke up again, scared but she calmed down
" Hehe he, Jia hello " A cute girl said giggling.
" Who are you, "Jia said squinting.
" I'm here to test you " The girl whose face had already turned grotesque said holding a dagger.
" Test me huh? Why... " Jia half completed her sentence before the girl turned into a gigantic form of vampire transmutation.
"Vampire transmutation" Jia muttered surprised before taking off at full speed.
" System, what happened " Jia asked fuming.
[Oh, that pretty dream of yours] The system said.
" I know that it involves you and there was vampire transmutation " Jia said squinting her eyes.
[Oh shit! I just got busted. Anyway, I was trying to scare you] The system said cackling in a poor attempt to laugh.
" Witch " Jia said in disdain.
" Mhmmm, let's go say hi in Yang empire " she said before zooming off
The Yang empire
She gets there expecting to see happy people but all she sees are sad old men and women. She activates shapeshifting skill and approaches one old man.
" Old man, why are you sad " Jia asks.
" Our new emperor, Emperor Lin, made a decree saying all young children who are 20 years and above must be drafted into the military, and then took my son" The old man said sobbing.
" Who is this Emperor Lin " Jia asked.
" Hsi Junfeng " The old man said.
"Here, this is 1000Dairen. Take care of yourself " Jia says disappearing.
" Thank you " he says smiling towards the heavens.
Jia reached the imperial palace. It has a human wall of soldiers.
" Damn! Junfeng, lots of bullshit going here "Jia says slipping past the wall of soldiers and entering into the imperial palace. She enters the throne room and sees Junfeng magnificently seated. Then he retires into a huge room
" Emperor Lin. Goodbye " Jia said decapitating him.
she used his blood to write:
~Karma is true, what goes around comes around.
One down, ...several to go. I'm coming for all of you, One by one. Await my comeback....
~Princess Hsi Jia
She zooms off.
" Hehe he. Nice prank " Jia says smiling all the way home like a psychopath that she is.