I arrive in my new home. My name is Olalekan, I have never known what it means to have my own family. I have been living in one orphanage or the other, or with one foster family or the other. I am brought home to A new one today. They are the olayeni's. I was 18 years old last weekend so it is either Jail or I accept my new foster family. I arrive in the car of my foster father. His family are outside waiting for me. He has 3 sons and a very beautiful wife. I have read all about them the moment I was given a family. Mr. olayeni's is a police officer, he pleaded that I am given a second chance to prove myself useful to the society and I am grateful to him. This way I can be useful to myself and be spoilt with the goodies of life for once. "Lekan?" He calls in a fatherly tone unlike the no nonsense one he uses at work. "Sir?" "Welcome home." "This isn't my home." "You can make it yours. Home isn't a place, that is one thing I want you to always remember. Home is those who loves you forever and ever no matter what and I can assure you that my wife and children love you that way already." I stare out the mirror and see a boy around my age. "That is Bolaji, my first born. He is about the same age as you. I hope you 2 will get along very well." "I will try my best to make you proud, Sir." "You can call me dad. Come on, we don't want to keep them." I get down and bow my head to greet my new mom. She pulls me to an embrace. I feel warm. "Welcome to your new home son." The older boy, Jerry comes to exchange handshake with me. I feel among, as though I belonged, for the first time in my life. "Thank you all, this is all overwhelming. Thanks for accepting me into your family." "We are all big family, right dad?" Jerry rubs his younger brother's head. "This is Timmy and Daniel. Welcome to the family." We all return inside. It is summer coaching so I resume to school with Jerry. I have been out of school for a while but dad believes I can hope and due the fact that I don't want to let him down I am ready to remain in the class and be one of the best. One day during break, I sight a girl talking to 3 other students, she looks about our age and she's very beautiful. "That is Ifemide Ebunoluwa Aurora." I turn to Jerry. "What?" "The damsel, she Ifemide the richest student in this school. Forget befriending her, She's a snob and spoilt brat. She will just embarrass you. You won't be the first so don't take it too personal" "She loo kes like a nice person." I say confused." "She does in the midst of those 3. They were 4, as a matter of fact, until she recently showed up with someone, she claims is her brother. Forget her. There are many other girls if you must like one." "What I don't like her that way, I just admire the way she carries herself and her long hair" Jerry laughs and we walk away.
I am Ebunoluwa Aurora Ifemide, I am 16 years old and I am in ss3. I am preparing for my final exams in secondary school. My dad was the former vice president of our country. He just left office 3 months ago and this made me return to my old school. With my best friend Jennifer, his personal daughter. We attend the same school because of my relationship with her. Most people do not like me and I know. When I returned my old friend since junior high still accepted me back. Two weeks ago, my parents adopted 2 children, though one is temporary. His name is OluwaRemilekun. A little sister also, Kike. I am happy we will soon to be graduating anyways. All this won't matter. I am an art student and my dream are to become a cop same with Jennifer. As for Remi he wants to join the military and Jimi is going for medicine and surgery. I had noticed the new boy staring and I was planning to talk to him as soon as I am done with the others, but I saw when his expression change BJ walk up to him, so I have done the math. "Mide, see you guys later, we have practical." I nod and the both of them leave. I miss the old school.
6 months later, we done with Wassce and I come out in flying colors same with my friends. We all graduate 2 months later, and get admissions into various higher institutions. I and Jennifer gain admission into the NESUA DEFENCE ACADEMY(NDA). Remi moves to another state entirely to study. Life is smooth and asides from the problems I had during my final year in high school, I felled loved. In the academy I meet Oluyemisi. She's my roommate, she's in the forensics department. I am studying to be in the field, I aspire to be criminologist in the future. Jen is also in the field, but as a geographical profiler. Remi comes to visit us in school and he and Yemi are an item. I am at the library looking for a nice book to read when I come across one, THE TREATY. That is the title of the book. I pick it and sign it out. This is the beginning of the journey of my life.
I am engrossed in the treaty, when I hear the door opening. The events in the book have made my senses extra. I look around and find a bed pole that is fallen off. Go behind the door ready to scare the person that dare intrude my apartment. I know it isn't Jen or Yemi because they have the habit of slamming the door open. I put it to the intruder's side. State your mission, before I put this bullet through you." "Oma and pa have always warned you about leaving the door to your room open carelessly. At least you have the sense of security. You had better not get yourself killed, princess." Remi's voice answers my threat. I feel very stupid. "I could have killed you just now. Why will you open the door like an intruder checking to see if the occupants are in? "I say not willing to accept defeat. "You can't kill me by shooting an imaginary bedpost gun." I turn away angrily. He laughs. The door slams the door open and I hear my friends talking. "I need to talk to you, privately." I nod. I stand up, wear my jacket. "Hi Remi. Babe?" Jen says as Yemi goes to hug Remi and he is saying something to her. "Remi and I are going for coffee. Alone." "Is everything ok?" "Not sure. I will tell you all about it when I return if I can." "I understand she says and I signal to Remi and we leave."
I return later that night. I hear Yemisi pacing. "There vis nothing between the both of them, trust me. I will know." "How can, we be sure?" "Because Ife isn't that type of person. I trust her with my life. Meanwhile that will be wrong, they are siblings." "Yeah, not blood though." Jennifer keeps defending me. I sit and let them finish their conversation. I knock 10 mins after they close the topic and Yemisi is reassured. "Hey ladies." I greet as though I didn't hear their discussion. "Hey, welcome. Is he ok?" I bring out the letter he sent to Yemi. "He… his dad returned 2 days ago and he is returning to them they are going to look for his mom and sister. He didn't know how to tell you directly. He also said I should give you that letter. She collects it and leaves the room. "Are you ok?" Anod. "I am fine, it will just be weird not having him around." "I know." After this day I never saw Remi again even after I graduated and went for service.
I graduate from the academy as the best student in my set. After this I was deployed to serve in a company as one of the security guards in Tomasa. Half a day's journey to get there. At Tomasa I live in an apartment with a young woman about 5 years older than I Tomasa name is Damilola. She's 5ft9 tall. She's taller and broader than a lady should be. There is something about her also that screams fighter. Every Friday, she leaves the apartment to some place and returns on Sundays looking tired out. One day out, feeling myself slacking behind in my exercise, so I visit a gym. There I see Dami and a group of people training. They were tough looking and also very playful. I own 2 blackbelts and yet I am nothing close to these people's here. My hand tightens and I turned, I didn't expect her to hear that." While she was distracted, the guy she was training with takes the opportunity to takes the opportunity, to turn the tables. I feel bad for the distracting her. She turns him back to the ground. "I am way better than that." She tells her opponent. "Not when you are staring at spoilt princess." That gets my attention. He is one of my schoolmates in the secondary school. I looked up. It is the new boy I had seen during the summer lesson that day. ""Hi Ebunoluwa this isn't a ballet class." "I have every right to visit a gym and for your information I own 2 blackbelts, and I don't like people who judge me, just because I come from a rich home, more to the fact that my dad is a good person, so you had better wipe that smudge off your face before I reset it for you, and mind you I am stronger than I look." This brought cheers from the others except one. "You can go on to your exercise, you must have been told this place belongs to the NGS." I recognize you. "Dave, I haven't seen you since Dennis. That was my fourteenth birthday." A man walks in and they all fall silent. "You can join us if you manage fall Dami once you are in. I will train you personally." "Daddy?" "She was once your friend. I still don't understand what Dennis had to do with your sudden halt…" "She left. I tried visiting and she won't have it. Dennis is her brother and my friend. He is the tie between us." I look away not bothering to correct the impression. "Fine, I accept the challenge to prove I am not some spoilt brat." Dave rolls his life. Temi comes and stands before me. I am 5ft6, she is towering above. "When fighting someone bigger it isn't about Bronx but brain." It took a while but I did fall her on her back. "Welcome to the group." Dave's dad says. "We are the nature giants. Dami here goes by Storm, Dave sweet poison and Lekan is Thunderstorm. You will also need a name." I begin to think of a name but all that matters is that I now belong to a group that will better my skills and help me with my mission.

Two years later, I had completed both my training with the nature giants and my NYSC. I am back home. Jennifer and I applied to the Nesua's defense squad. A special Anti-homicide force and we were recruited. We have to train under a team for 6 months. Although I know I am better than most people in the force. After a long meeting with the nature giants last night and I am not ready to get up when a knock sounds on my door, after all I am not going to the station. The door opens and I wish I had taken Remi's advice and be locking my door. "HAPPY BIRHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MIDE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU." My eyes open suddenly realizing that it is my birthday and they are doing the Ebunoluwa's birthday ritual. "Oh, thank you. I am sorry, I had a late night yesterday." I rise up from my bed and gives them all a large warm hug. Mina smiles. "You always remember everyone's birthday except yours." "Alate night." "It happens every year my brothers interject." I rub the back of my neck, of course it does. I sigh inwardly. "Alright everyone let me change out of my night gown, I will join you downstairs." They nod laughing. I laugh, then mentally chides myself for forgetting again. I open the drawer next to my bed. I bring out a photograph. "Happy birthday to us, come back to us soon. You are missing a lot and I miss you, come back please it's 8 years now." I go into my bathroom. The ringing of my phone brings me back to the room. "Ifemide Ebunoluwa." I say into the receiver. "Happy birthday princess." I almost drop the phone at the sound of Remi's voice. "Goodness, where under the heavens have you disappeared to these past years? You promised you will be visiting. You got everyone worried." "Good to hear your accusations. I am sorry, we were trying to patch things up and like you might have expected, it wasn't easy, we have been away from each other for way too long. I and Tomilola has gotten used to our new homes. But like oppa will always say *HOME ISN'T A PLACE* I nod though he can't see that. "So, what is they can't see much. I didn't even remember it's my birthday. A little get-together maybe. I think I saw a cake with mom earlier during the ritual. I wish we can see soon. Yemi has been worrying too. What have you done to my friend?" "I hope it is the same she has done to me. I miss and love her so much it aches." "Oh, I am sure." We share a laugh. "So, how's life going?" "I have been recruited to my own battalion. You?" "Well, we have all been recruited into NDF. I and Jennifer are in the field, while Yemi is in the forensics department. I will call you back brother; everyone is waiting for me at my ritual." He giggles. "This is my direct line, then sure." I end the call. I dress in an Ankara kaftan and lady's joggers. I go downstairs. "You won't even dress in a dress on your birthday?" "It's not my thing, it has never been." They all smile. The doorbell rings and I go open the door. I come face-to-face with Remi and a group of people I figured is his family. My mouth drops open. "Hi princess, happy birthday." "Are you kidding me, we spoke less than 10 mins ago and you didn't let it slip." "We were entering the estate at that time, that was just to make sure you are all home. Now won't you give me a welcome hug?" "I will think about it, good morning I am Ifemide Aurora Ebunoluwa, the first daughter this family. You are welcome to our home. Please come in." They all follow us as I and Remi lead the way in. "Everyone sees who decides to pay "a visit to our home." Everyone looks up and Yemi squeals running forward. He drops the gift bag as he catches her. "Hey mi amor. I missed you." He says lifting her off the floor. Everyone bursts into laughter. Jennifer also walks forward and gives him a big. Remi's family are feeling out of place. Before I can speak, my dad speaks up. "Son?" "He and Yemi turn towards us." Won't you introduce us?" "My apologizes dad. Sir and ma meet my parents and sister Mr. and Mrs Abolarin and Seyifunmi Abolarin. Familia, meet MY second home, The Ebunoluwa's. This oppa, Chief Jeremy Ebunoluwa and Omma, Mrs Sikemi Ebunoluwa." His parents rise to their feet. "Thank you very much for raising our son and accepting him as yours. He was the sanest among all of us when we got back together." My parents rise and they hug them. "We are siblings now." Remi's smile widens. "Up next, this is Ifemide Aurora Ebunoluwa, the princess of our home and today's celebrant." "Happy birthday to you." I nod my thanks. "Then these are the twins, the ones I always tell you about. Boluwatife and Boluwatito Ebunoluwa. Then this is Jennifer Lopez, Ife's childhood friend and the last but not the least my heart rob Oyeyemi." His mom pulls her close. "Alright princess, this is my gift. "Yes, it's about time." Tife says. I get a new apartment from dad and a car from mom. Remi got me a gun purse; the twins get me a nice gown while Lil Kike gets me a lollipop. We were all so happy. I receive a call from my boss. Agent Paul, I am joining my first real case, the day after and SO I plan with Jennifer we will be moving to the new flat. I can't possibly leave in a four-bed room flat alone. They were more than happy to come with me. But this is just the preamble.

The case is that of kidnapped 5 years old boy. He was kidnapped on his way from school and his driver was found dead the next day. They received a call, that they should send their account details because they are never going to see their son again as a compensation. The parents call out for help. My team is assigned to the aces. I am working really hard as a profiler and hacker to make sure the little boy is found. As I am working with my brain and skills, I am also taking it to the lord in prayer. One day, I finally get a breakthrough. I hurry out of my flat. By some co-incidence I and agent Paul and his best friend are living the same compound now. I leave the study and meet my friends watching a movie. "Finally, you move from your desk, see this new mountain movie." "As soon as I deliver my results to agent Paul. He isn't picking my calls, neither is Zion." "What's their problem with you?" "I honestly do not know. This is important, tomorrow might be too late to work on it." They sit up. "What is it?" "THE JUNGLE has the boy." "The jungle?!!!" Jen screams and I nod squirming. "What is the jungle?" "A place where no one that isn't a member of the community should go or know about. Jen let me go tell him." She nods and I leave. I take my phone and laptop and leave for their flat. As I arrive there about to knock, I the 2 of them discussing me and all the wrong impressions they have about me.
My name is Paul Aditi. I am a police officer. I lost my entire family at the age of 12 and was raised in a foster home. I became a police officer to prevent other boys coming home to meet that. I have a best friend whose name is Daniel; he is the biological child of my foster parents. He is also a cop. Today after a long day at work trying to solve the case of Jake, Ifemide keeps getting I on my nerves with her I-too-know attitude. Daniel laughs. "I am not sure you are, right? I have heard so much about the lady named Ifemide and none of these describes her." "Oh, she is very good at hiding it alright. She is definitely nothing like…" "Sofia?" He asks when I stop halfway. I nod feeling the old guilt returning. "You can't possibly keep comparing everyone you meet to her. It is high time you move on. If not, you will never get married." I sigh. "Yes, you won't but you will meet someone better, if you just give yourself a chance to, and let go of the survivor guilt." I bow my head. "I am tried." The front door opens and Ebunoluwa comes in. "Excuse me sir, I think I have circles in on the location of the kid." "First of all, how many times should I tell you to never barge into our apartment? And secondly, I thought we were looking for4 a little boy not a goat." "Sorry for barging in sir and yes I mean the location of little Jake." "Then make the report to the head of the profilers and we will work on it tomorrow and as a matter of fact, we can't work based on what you think." "I tried contacting him, but he wouldn't answer. All I ask is a few minutes of your time." Daniel touches my hand. "30 minutes." She sighs though IU do not think she knows I noticed. She takes the remote from the center table, connect as the tv to her laptop. It brings forth a map. "Sir as you must have noticed, this is the estate where little Jakes lives with his parents. According to the eye witnesses. Little Jake was hijacked on his from school on the second of May. On the road, is his favorite park and ice-cream pallor. That day, the parents say the driver called at the ice-cream pallor that they are almost after which no one heard from them again." "We know that it is in the files, so please stop wasting our night." "I will go straight to the point. I might have hacked the surveillance system above the area and his neighborhood. The car was attacked 3 buildings from their house. Three armed masked men had come out from nowhere and attacked the car occupying Jake and his driver. They disarm the man and rendered him unconscious. After that, 2 of them climb into the Car while the third drives their own vehicle. I lost track of them when they enter a satellite surveillance on that environment. I the dirt road leads to just one community. THE JUNGLE." This brings a gasp out of agent Daniel. "There is a jungle around that place in this time and age?" Agent Paul laughs. "I told you she doesn't know what she's doing and will just waste our time." This gets on my nerves. "Actually, on the contrary, you are the one lagging behind on your current affairs. The jungle is a dangerous community where actual humans exist. It is an abandoned community; it has been abandoned even before I was born. It is now known to be home to the most dangerous and most deadly criminals. The most gruesome crimes unsolved are suspected to have been committed in the jungle. Now the dirt road the UNSUBS took only leads to the jungle. So, I come to the conclusion that the little boy is in the jungle." "Alrighty agent, fall out. We will work on it tomorrow." "You don't get it do you? Tomorrow might be too late. We do not know the plan." "Agent falls out or I withdraw you from the case. You seem to be taking it personal." "But?" "No buts or ifs Ebunoluwa." "Fine, but if anything happens to little Jake, it will be on your conscience." I can hear the sob in her tone despite the bold outlook she putting on. She whirls around and leases my apartment. "It is a good lead." "I know but if the place is as she says, we definitely need more men. I contact big boss before going to bed." He nods.

I return to my apartment and goes to my room annoyed. Jennifer knocks on my door. "Mide what happened? What did he say?" "He doesn't believe me, he said and I quote. *WE WILL WORK ON THE LEAD TOMMORROW*" I begin to put together a bag so I can go on a stake out. "Aurora||" She whispers. "This is nothing like Dennis." "It might be, if no one does anything /about it." I plan on going and contacting Temi on the way as backup. "What, where are you going?" They ask. " If they won't do anything About it, then I will." "I am coming with you." "No, you are not. It is too dangerous." "The more reason I should. I will be able to have your back and it will be fun to put this people in their place." "Fun? Count t me in." I think for a minute. "Ok then, Pack a bag, protein bars, a bottle of water or two. Dress code, all black. Please leave your cells behind I will give you talkies in case we ever get separated." They nod and go their room to get ready." I sit waiting for them and sends a message to Temi while on that. "IF I DON'T CALL WITH AURORA AS THE PASSWORD SEND CALVARY TO THE JUNGLE." My friends join me. "What is the plan? We definitely can't just walk into their territory." They Are all living their lives in the night while committing crimes during the day. Right now, the jungle will be empty" "Then before they return let's go be heroes." We leave the apartment. I look towards the other apartment, hoping for the sake of my friends that he changed his mind. I see him staring back at me with his mouth open.

Paul wakes Daniel. "What is it? Why aren't you in bed yet?" "Ebunoluwa and her flat mates just left the house." "So?" "It looks like they are headed for the jungle." "It is real?" "Yes, I looked it up online and the same thing she said was found on net. As a matter of fact, no police officer went in and came back alive. Their disfigured corpse is the one that always return." He is already on his feet. "Get set, call your team I will call mine we are all going after them." "I wish I had showed her that I believed it was truly abandoned. As we start trying to find them before the habitats find out we are here, I sight two slotted running, holding another. It is her friends. The medics takes the boy. We all go in search for her following their description. What we find stops us in our tracks. She was fighting like a movie superhero. Her eyes blazing with raw anger. "In your life after coming out of jail you will run the other way when you hear of Aurora." They fall on their face. She turns to us. "Tomorrow might be too late; I will accept any consequence just leave my sisters out of this." She walks away leaving us to deal with the guys. Dan squats to feel their pulse. "They are alive thankfully. There is something behind her reaction." "I saw it. Something ugly was brought up by this case that must have warranted that reaction from her." Let's take them to the medics." We put a call through. When are all back together as at 3am, "We need to leave according to Mide the habitants will be back in 30 mins? If they do, we are all dead meats." "You heard the lady, move." We all leave the Jungle. Getting home they insist on coming to check on Ife. I go to her room but it is the same we left it. "She isn't home sir." Jenifer says. We leave their apartment and return to ours. The anger I saw in her eyes keeps flashing in my mind. The next day, the boy is handed over to his parents and the government promotes the three of them. Her two friends said they didn't hear her return to the house, they just found her in the kitchen preparing breakfast. They are immediately promoted to agents as an encouragement for the case they solved. Giving Ife a chance opened my eyes to see the person behind the mask. I never saw that anger in her eyes again. Two months later a problem arose in the country.

I am in my work space when I receive a call from Dami. "Flames?" I know this is about the group. "Hi, what's the information?" "We are to meet next week. Will you be available?" "I will make myself; it is a free week; I am working on something and I won't mind some help." "You know we are always there for each other. All you need to do is ask." "See you next week." I am on my way. I arrive everyone is in uniform. I feel left out. "Are we going on a mission?" "This isn't a training session. You should be in uniform." "Let her be Dave." Dami calls. "Storm." "You heard me." He leaves. "What's with you both? There seems to be history." "History; Yes. What is going on; I do not know." We both settle down. Everyone working on one thing or the other. An hour later the place is filled to the brim with people I haven't seen among us before. It is then the door opens and master and an older man comes in. Everyone rises and I do also. We salute them. "All be seated. I will like every new face that has never attended an everyone's meeting like this one to come forward. I and 2 other people rise. "I am Aurora Ebunoluwa. Handle flames." I introduce myself the other two does the same. After which master steps forward. "Nature giant our mission SIHA begins today. Before that I will like to introduce my real master, the actual master of these group." We all stand. He Rises and we all sit. "Welcome you all. Like Landscape said the main purpose for this team; operation SIHA will begin today. First and foremost, what is operation SIHA?" He switches on a projector. "35000 days ago, that is 87 years ago, this country was not peaceful. We have always been a prosperous one, this was the cause of envy in developed country and this brings a war betel us and a country called YOHADA." He pauses. "Yohada?" I ask. "Our people are in Yohada living there peacefully." "It happened after the war. 10 years after a long war, other world leaders arose and helped us put an end to the war, On the condition that after 35000 days it will be decided if we are to end this war permanently or if we should be colonized again. Been under Yohada is a terrible thing., we were treated like slaves and killed at will. A law was passed that if we were to be return under them, that shouldn't be that way anymore or we will be placed under another country." This is what brings us to operation SIHA. I am sending delegates to Yohada and two other countries that are running to be our leaders. As spies, find out if it should happen again. You have seen our problems in this country is it worth it to go back under Yohada. Is our independence worth it. Sweet poison you are going with Eruption, Storm and Volcano and finally, Wind and waves. Group A Yohada, group B soltaba and group c new ubara. As for the rest of you will be here as backup. Though we will need someone in the defense force and military." "I am in the police force sir and my brother is a military officer." I speak. "Then that is settled. You will be our eyes there. It starts tomorrow. I want you all to be vigilant any foul play, return or call for help. Meeting adjourned." He leaves us all. I notice Dave staring at me with worry in his eyes. I receive a call from Jennifer asking when I am returning. *Agent P auld is asking of you. * I smile I actually started to like him and I think he returns the feeling.
Paul is at home. Since the event at the jungle, Aurora and I has been close. She told me it is a special name for her by her twin brother that was kidnapped on their 14th birthday. She doesn't talk much about it. She likes it when I call her that. She is my partner since Daniel was given his own team. Earlier today, she had received a call from Remi that they should meet. I drove her to the venue and left. I am awaiting her return we have a case to work on with the rest of our team members. The doorbell rings. They shouldn't be until an hour from now. I open the door and I see her standing there, that isn't the problem she is in tears is. "Aurora, come in. What is the matter with you? Why are you crying?" "A war is coming Remi is going for the war." I sit down. "He asked to see to me so as to inform me. He is the flat right now breaking the news to Yemi. You know they are together." When she mentions them her sad face lifts a little? It is very obvious of the love the Ebunoluwa family and friends share with each other. A feeling I have longed for since my parents passed on as a child. "I don't know what to say. You can have the day off and another day. I am sure you are needed now." "Can I? It won't affect the investigation?" "Don't be silly. Family is more important and if you need me, I am just a call away. As soon as the meeting is over, I will come over myself." "Thank you, Paul, my friends are very emotional Remi will need my help." He squeezes my hand and I stand up to leave. I stare after her sending God's and my love with her.

I return to our flat, I stare worried at Remi and Yemi. Jemima is nowhere to be found definitely needs sometimes alone too. I snack past them and enter my office. I call Dami. "Storm?" "Yes, flames what is the matter?" "How can I get in touch with everyone there is news. Something big is about to happen. It is about operation SIHA. I think we are too late; the treaty is about to be broken." She gasps on the other end. "I will contact everyone. Be safe." We disconnect the call. I sit putting my head in my palms. "Oh God help me. We need you now." 3 days later we are all to meet. Everyone that is away, is returning for the meeting. I arrive in my uniform this time. As I enter, the hall falls silent. "Flames, storm says you have info for us. Sweat poison said before you arrive, that Yohada is planning something big, why a war?" "They have been secretly executing Nissan's, now they are planning a big one this time. Every Nesua is to be put to death. They are going there like a rescue operation. He said they will be leaving in 2 months." "This is super big. I can't believe she didn't say this." "She?" "Eruption is moving with the president's daughter so as to find out what they are doing up there. Her name is Silvia." "We are just friends." We nod and focus on the matter at hand. "Flames this a very good information. Please keep the group posted. Waves open a WhatsApp private group so we can contact without having to gather every time. Also, my giants keep training going I think we are all going to need it." Later after the meeting Temi and another one of our friends walks up to me. "Flames are you ok?" "Yes., why do you ask?" "I know how close you guys are in your family. This must be taking a toll on you all." "I am fine actually. Thanks, I need to get going." I sight Dave walking up to me; I don't want to judge this afternoon. I walk away.

The day the army will leave arrives. I drive Yemi and our families to the airport. At the airport, I leave them and join my team we are one of the patrols that is escorting the president. I hug him and he squeeze my hand. I see surprise in Jennifer's gaze. I haven't mentioned our relationship to anyone. I smile at her. Keeping it in mind that I will explain to her later. The president and his escorts arrive. He stands and I take stage to lead in leading the national anthem. After which the president takes the stage. "Good morning my fellow Nigerians and the brave sons and daughters of the country. After what happen in the earliest time in our generation. The war that almost caused us our great country 87 years ago. Yohada is about to do the same to our country men over there. Our brave sons and daughters are ready to face them and bring home our people. An applaud sounds in the congregation. "We are here to see them off sending them forth with our love and prayers." The speech comes to an end and another officer leads us in the national anthem. I see Dan watching in his uniform. figure the nature giants are here also.


My name is Silvia, I am 24 years old. My dad is the president of Yohada. He became one when my uncle died two years ago. I feel sorry for the people of my7 country and the foreigners because my dad is a very terrible person. He batters my mom. Once we ran, he found us and did something I still don't know that caused her legs. She can't walk anymore. I resorted to riding my horse, Eleanor in the valley fields just to get away from him and acokantherin causing more problems for my mom. Today Stacia my guard and best friend is going to her parents. I ask if I could come with her and she agrees. We take another horse with Eleanor and leave together for the city. We pass through the fields where we always ride. While she is inside with her parents, I do some sightseeing. I sight a guy with a little boy. He looks like a Nesua and he is really nice to the little poor Yihaodian boy. I feed Eleanor two sugar cube. I walk up to him. "You seem nice unlike your people." "Excuse me?" "I mean…" "I know what exactly you mean, Princess. Why not go b ack to your Castello before I teach you a few lessons about 'my country the hard way." "I am sorry I actually meant it as a compliment. I didn't mean to offend you, believe me." He hisses and walks away. I really didn't mean it as an insult. I return to the house we actually came visiting, she's already awaiting my return. "My princess, you shouldn't be walking around here, most people despise your family and will take every opportunity to hurt you because of your father's callous behavior." "I am nothing like father." "I know, but they don't. Please my Princessa, my life might be lost if anything happens to you." "I am sorry." We take the horses and return to the fields. I was Calle d an hour later that my mom seeks my attention. I return to the palace. I find my mom in her room looking really happy. The happiest I have seen her in 8 years. "Monna, you look beautiful and happy. Which are both good, but what is the occasion. Your dad apologized for the way he has been treating us] promising to do better in the future. Starting be contacting a spine and bone clinic in India earlier. I will be travelling there for treatment in two weeks." "This is sudden. It is suspicious." "Why not let us just leave in the present taking it one day at a time? Let us enjoy this new him while it last." To keep her in her good mood, I drop the matter, but I have a sick feeling this is not the end of his change, that he is up to something.
After mom left for her treatment, I take another trip to the place I saw the Nesuan the other day. I sight him sitting saying something to the children. They are both Yohadians and Nesuans. They all look intrigued by whatever he is saying to them. I sit among them. He looks surprised and smiles at me. "Hi." He greets. "Hi good day to you." "Nice horse." He speaks. "Eleanor? I had her since I was just a little girl and she a little horse. We practically grew up together." "I am sorry for the way I spoke to you the last time we were together. I am Silvia Montego." I say raising my hand for a handshake. "Montego, are you in anyway related to the first family." "Yes, I am the first daughter of the country." He invites me in and he says his name is Bj. He says he is in Yohada looking for greener pasture. Two months after, he travels to his country. Around this time whilst he was away, I discovered my father's plan. I wish I had his number so I can tell him. Today as I return again to see if he was by any chance back from his journey, I see that as a matter of fact he is. I stand at the door and knock. He opens the door looking grumpy from sleep. "Silvia this is not a good time and you shouldn't be here with everything going on presently. My people might use you as the punching bag for what your dad is doing to our country." "I am sorry but this couldn't wait. I have some vital information to share with you. I know what my father is planning pre and post treaty." "Come in. Sorry we just returned from our journey a bit of jet lag." His friends wake up and says something to them in their native tongue. He answers also in the same tongue and they settle a bit, even though I know they do not really trust me. "SO, Montego what is this information you have for us?" "My dad is planning a really big attack." "Tell us something don't know." I shrink back surprised. "Our country men we are preparing for a rescue mission when we left." I nod. "Then If there is a way to pass this message across to them, tell them that they should use the desert as their entry way. It is the safest place for foreigners in Yohada any day and anytime." "Why should we trust you?" "I am not my father, I am nothing like him and I have come to care about Bj and you, guys. Please let me help you." "I think we can trust her, if anything goes wrong, I will take sole responsibility for a thing that happens from this decision. Look, I have also come to care about Silvia, think about it, she is also putting everything on the line with this." "Fine, Bj but be careful remember Yohadians are not to be trusted." "That Is, they feel about us. We are able to abuse the notion because they gave the chance to know us." They nod.
Weeks later, Silvia is on her way to visit again carrying another vital information. How my father found out about our relationship and more to the fact that Bj and I are lovers. His plan to make me sell them out and the fake info I gave him to buy them a little time. I didn't come with Eleanor this time. As I reach their place after coming through the fields, I see him and his friends having a heated argument. I decide to pass through the back so as not to make them feel uncomfortable. I hear their conversation and stop in my tracks horrified. "Bolaji, you are been unfair. She might be a Yohadians but she's human too. You can't just keep playing with her heart." "You talk as though you care about her. None of us…" He curses. He is messing with me. I am half way in love with him and he is just messing my heart. I didn't know I had zoomed out until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see his best friend and brother. He searches my face, I don't know what he saw there, but then he begins to apologize. "I am sorry about what you heard sill, let him explain this to you." I smack his hand away. "In heard everything, how you are all playing with my heart and messing with me to get information about the damned treaty. I guess I was right Afterall, you all Nesuans are the worst, I can't believe I turned against my country men. Soldiers!!!" I call in a tone I haven't used in a long time. A tone that brings people bowing at my feet as t5he first daughter. "He is a spy, for Russians and the Nesua." They all stand at attention and matches towards us. "I am not your mate Stallion. I am Silvia my people rule this country and I can be as ruthless as the rest of my family ask them; I am way more ruthless."
I hear Stallion groan and I peek outside and sight Silvia and a few of Yohada solders holding him own. "Sammy." I mouth. As if he hears he looks straight at my direction and mouths that I should flee. I couldn't move. Tears wells up in his eyes. This is the last born of the family that accepted me after I lost all. I can't leave him. I am about to call out when I hear her say. "Set the place on fire." I rear back. Sammy mouths again that I should leave. Someone takes my hand and leaves. I couldn't tear my gaze away. Sammy can't fight he is just a hacker. I pull back. "We can't leave. Sammy." "We can't help him if we are captured also. We need help but what was that for? Why did she all of a sudden turn on us?" "I don't know. There was pain and anger in her eyes. My Silvia was not the one I saw. Something is wrong." Bj says and I realize he was the one that grabbed me. "Do you think she has found out about our initial plan?" He goes pale. "No, she can't. My God if she has that means this is not over. We need to find out. First of all, let's get to the hideout before she gets us." I nod. That night, on the news, it is announced that the camp of our solders has been attacked and the solders all died apart from a few that escaped. "She's taking all this too far. Those people have nothing to do with our fight. She can't possibly hurt innocents. I f she has anything to settle take it out on me and leave innocent people alone. Our entire race here will die now." BJ speaks. We hear insistent knocking. It is her guard. I grab her ready to hurt her. I am your only shot at survival so you had better keep me alive. Silvia is on the rampage and she's worse than the president when she is like that." She turns to him. "What did you do to her? I haven't seen her like this since she knew her dad hits her mom and she became protective of her and mad at the world, so what the hell did you do to her? She loved you, what made her turn on you?" "You are a Nesuan, your life might be in danger here so I think I have got to tell you what I think happened. Please sit."


It has been two years since the injured troops arrived with the news that the rest of the solders are dead. I was hurt, really hurt. To add to it my childhood friend returns from the same country heartbroken. He wanted to quit the team. It took a lot of conviction to get him back. We have been training in preparation for the war that is coming soon. I am on my way to one of the safehouses. Lekan had called asking for my help with Bolaji. I promised to help. I know he will be at the beach, so I am driving towards the place. I arrive there and sight him sitting with his head in-between his laps, a posture I know from our early years that he has when he is crying. I walk towards him and takes a sit beside him. "You know I always wonder if a time will come when we will come to this place together again after Dennis went missing all those years ago." He looks up. "Aurora." "You haven't called me that since the day before that either." He starts to sob. "I am very sorry Aurora. I lost a bit of myself after Dennis went missing. I was just beginning to find that part of me in Yohada when things went out of hand." "Do you want to talk about what it is?" "I am not sure. One question though, how was your able to cope after he disappeared?" "Therapy, intense therapy. Sometimes even now I still go visiting doctor Roles. I don't know what she does but I forget the past for a long time she says it will help me till my mind is ready to accept it and move on. Hypnotherapy is what is keeping me going Bj." He cries. I pull him close as he sobs on my shoulder.
After the day at the beach, things between Bj and I got better. He told me about Silvia and how he thinks she did all she did because of the former motive they had before they all begin to like her and give her a chance. Lekan was advising him the day of the attack to come clean and he had decided to. I know she found out before he had the chance to do that and feel really bad for the both of them and decide to do everything in my power to get his brother back even if I can't be present physically I will use my cyber security wisdom to find him and God helps me and I find him. I send the information to the group. They were all grateful, they regroup and return to Yohada. I am really hoping they return a
Safe and sound.
It has been 4 years since I stupidly sold Bj and the others out to father. Even mom is annoyed at me for doing something so horrible. She says she will have done the same if she were in their shoes. Stella avoids me like a plague so I also lost a sister. 2 months after the incident I found out I am pregnant with Bj's child and I gave birth 6 months later. The night I put to bed we all hear a loud thud on the ground floor. Fear sneaks under my skin. I hurry feeling like I know what happened and my fear was confirmed, my mom was laying there dead. I knew who is responsible. I burst into his study and didn't see him. I was on way to his chambers when I remember that I have a child to protect and ever since that night I have been planning our escape. I am on my way to see Estella. I enter the workers chambers and I sight her. The workers who happen to be mostly Nesuans stand up in fear. This is how it has been since the incident. "Stella?" She turns to me. "Your highness, are we going for a ride or into the city?" She asks formally. I miss my best friend. "A walk in the rice fields." I turn to a little Yohadians nanny. "Please watch Tom while we are away." She nods and I leave with Estella. Thirty minutes into the walk, I pause. "Why not lets us go into the fields?" "I am sorry my princess. But I do not trust you enough to go into the fields with you." This stops me in my tracks, "I deserve that. I am sorry for what I did to your people Estella." "My people, they are your people too. Your mom is from the same country. You are sorry. Have you any idea…?" She stops biting her tongue. "Look I will love to one day return to my parents so please for both our sake, never require this of me again. I am your escort and nothing more." "You are my best friend." "No, I wasn't. If I was you will never have done what you did and no matter what you say you didn't love Bj either because if you did, you will know he will never hurt your feelings deliberately. He, they did what they thought was best, and if you noticed he was hurt when you did what you did. If I was in their shoes, I will have done worse. You know what, when they were questioned if they k now what caused the massacre, they didn't mention you because of loyalty to Bj and because they feel bad for using you when you all met, yet you torture their brother every day. That isn't something I will forgive or forget. I am returning please before I get myself killed." "Wait, I know Bj is back." She swivels my way. "Assist me get this information to him and I will make sure you are able to leave with them." "What information?" "30 soldiers are still alive. I know where they are and how we can get they safely to the border to a rescue ship. I just need you and Bj there so you can all leave together. I am not asking to trust me blindly. Look ahead." I do and I see people dressed in camouflage trousers working in the rice fields. "I am not blackmailing you; I am pleading you help make things right." "I will find BJ; I hope you will play your part." I nod. "Maybe they will forgive you Afterall." Tears rise to my eyes. I will have the nanny brings tom also. I hope he will be able to love his son despite my faults.

"In Jesus name we pray." Jimi ends the prayer. "Amen" We all chorus. Since the attack at the camp that was declared safe by the anonymous informant, my comrades and I have found peace in Jesus. He had assured us that we will return home even as other people from other battalions died. "GOODMORNING to you all. I hope you all slept better than the last time." "No, sincerely, I don't think I will stop having nightmares for a very long time even after we return to Nesua." I nod so as everyone else knowing what Sienna meant. "I understand, I miss home too" The owner of the farm we were made to work at arrive. Silvia the president's daughter. Daniel once informed us that she was the one that sold out our location to her father bet5raying her Nesuan boyfriend. That alone makes us hate her. "The prisoners are going to work in my rice field today." "The king asked them to work in the stables." She shoots the guard and he drop dead. "It is only intense training that stopped us from gasping. "Any other objections the living guard immediately opens the bar and after that she kills him also. Wefowllo her silently. In the tunnels, I take her from behind. "I know this isn't the way to the fields. So, if you love your life turn back and lead us to the fields. You might can't take even one of us be wicked but you can't take even one of us." Serena pulls me up and I notice my captive is crying. "What is the matter with you? One moment you are a heartless killer and the next you are pretending to be a damsel in distress." "Please let me go, I will explain. Please don't kill me." Jimi touches my shoulder. "I am guessing you know what I did, that I am the reason you were all captured in. I was hurt by one of your country men, though now I know I misunderstood. I know this is all excuses." "It's ok. The good thing is that you realized your mistake and is trying to make amends. So, what is the plan." She explains to us, but three days later as we reach the sea port we are waylaid. An ambush is waiting. We are being shot at. A ship begins to return fire. "That's the rescue ship run towards it and avoid getting hit, leave." The others start to run. "She starts after us. As we reach the entrance of the ship, the president arrives holding his wife by the neck. Silvia tries to return. "Mom!!" "Silvia." I call her trying to stop her . "No let me go. That's my mom, he's going to kill her." He grins wickedly. "I warned you little one do as you are told and I will keep your mom alive. You broke the rules, you get burned." "I will do anything please just let her go. Please." She begs kneeling. "You can take her and leave, just leave my grandson." "What no. Look I will stay, let her go with my son. I will as ruthless as you want. " "What good will that do , you are just a woman." She snatch her hands and starts outside. He shoots his wife in the head and shoots Silvia." Ty he ship starts to return fire and I go after her as she continues going to her mother. She tries pulling her up but keeps falling back. A man appears lifting her and I with the help of Jimi lifts her mom. The president has retreated all these while. We immediately shut the door. The first lady is dead but Silvia is still breathing. "Mom, am sorry. I broke my promise. This is all my fault." Estella squats by her. "Princess." She calls. " Don't call me that. I am not his daughter and that means not a princess. How could he? She loved him so much. She always forgives him, no matter what he does. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have sold you guys out in the place or even had anything to do with you." The guy from earlier on knocks her out. "This is all my fault. Please do all you can to save her life JJ. She means as much as Ife means to you guys to me." He walks away. "He seems to know princess. Can you help her?" "I am already preparing for the surgery already, Remi. You should check on him though. Any friends of princess is a friend of ours." I nod and retreat the way he left.


Aurora is right, the pain never go away. I kneel. "Dear God, I know I haven't been the best person, but pretty please, save Silvia. She deserves better than all she's gotten from life. For the sake of her son, Lord please spare her life." I raise my head. "She will be fine. JJ says it's a flesh wound. He is already performing a small surgery on her to save her life." "Thank you so much new guy." "You seem to know us. " I am a childhood friend of Ife." I never heard of you. " I nod. "we had issues moving on after her twin went missing. I was in class A with him, she and JJ were in class C. We recently just started getting acquainted again. I wish she was here. Even when we were kids, she exactly what to say at what point in time , she will know how to soothe Silvie's pain." He nods. "it's not your fault. The man is a ticking time bomb. It will have happened sooner than later." " My head know that, but my heart tells me I am guilty. I should have let her in completely." We sit together. He keeps reaching for a pendant around his neck. "What is that?" I open it for him to get a glance." The three of us. Back then Dennis will say he will use his last breath to protect her. She was so sweet, she didn't know there was evil in the world. All she wanted to do was cook. JJ wanted to be a police officer, so he can protect her. Everything took a downward turn all of a sudden and it happened again with Silvia. I don't know how I can make it up to her both of them." We all sail back home with Silvia and her mom's body. Heaviness in our hearts. Silvia wakes up the next day mute. Jimi says it is trauma, that she will snap out of it and if she doesn't, we will get her a trauma therapist at home.