Peepers at Bathhouse

Time frame: after war

Ragnar stepped up to the door of the Cescil Royal baths. Inside, he saw a giant swimming pool with crystal clear, refreshing water.

Surrounding the pool, all kinds of rare flowers bloomed beautifully and dazzlingly. At the end of the pool, a hot spring emerged from deep within the earth and spoke of legends of the past.

The Gamaaloth army had already been soaking in the warm baths of the palace. They looked calm and peaceful with their eyes closed.

The lighting in the chamber was dim, but the glow of their eyes illuminated the space like small, fiery orbs. Each Gamaaloth possessed a different hue, ranging from deep crimson to golden yellow, giving the room an almost ethereal glimmer.

The air was heavy with steam and the scent of exotic herbs, creating a soothing and intimidating atmosphere.

As Prince Ragnar walked along the pool, he was greeted with a peaceful scene. Everyone was leisurely soaking in the hot springs with their eyes closed, basking in the moment's tranquility.

However, as soon as they noticed Ragnar's arrival, they all sat up and bowed to him with the utmost respect. Ragnar acknowledged their greetings with a small nod of his head.

The steam rising from the water created an ethereal atmosphere and added a mystical touch to the already serene setting.

Everything was designed to satisfy anyone who came to relax and soak there. In addition, the bath guide pointed out to him that next to the swimming pool, there was an ancient sauna made of selected wood that had been cared for over the centuries.

Then he was directed to the private bath where the nobles soaked. The bath guide excused himself after Ragnar gave his permission.

The private bathhouse was filled with an otherworldly tranquility, sheltered away from the bustling city beyond its walls.

The water shimmered with a pearly sheen, illuminated by flickering lanterns that cast dancing shadows across the walls.

Uzana and the other dragon riders lounged languorously in the water, their eyes heavy with contentment as they soaked up the heat of the natural springs.

Its warmth enveloped them like a comforting embrace when they first slipped into the water. The faint aroma of fragrant oils filled their senses, inviting them to let go of all thought and surrender to the peaceful embrace of the bath.

The bathhouse was a dazzling display of opulence, its walls adorned with shimmering mosaics that glimmered in gold, cobalt, and emerald hues.

The mosaic tiles that surrounded him were an ode to the splendor of days gone by, bearing intricate patterns and shifting colors that seemed to dance before his eyes.

The four dragon riders other than his younger brother saluted after seeing Ragnar join them. In contrast, Uzana looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"So the girl you like turns out to be a Princess and is also married. Unbelievable," he joked.

Ragnar shrugged and stripped off his clothes one by one. Once completely naked, Ragnar joined the warm pool. He sat back and closed his eyes.

Ragnar relaxed in the warm water, feeling the tension melt away from his muscles. The pool was surrounded by lush foliage, creating a serene atmosphere further enhanced by the sound of trickling water from a nearby fountain.

As he closed his eyes, Ragnar imagined a different reality where he did not face rejection from the woman he desired. Ragnar sank into the water, savoring the soothing sensation as the hot springs caressed his skin.

The water around him became infused with vibrant colors, swirling and mixing to create a beautiful and surreal landscape. Ragnar felt at peace, as if he had stepped into another dimension where all his dreams had come true.

"Didn't she tell you before that she was married?"

"Tsk, stop disturbing me. Yes, she did tell me many times," Ragnar replied as he dozed off.

"So why are you still pursuing her?"

Ragnar and Sophia had been friends for nine months on the battlefield, with a teasing and playful relationship that always had a hint of something more.

Ragnar had long harbored feelings for Sophia, but she would reject him firmly and without hesitation whenever he tried to express them.

Their dynamic had shifted over time, and now Ragnar found himself constantly analyzing every interaction they had, wondering if there was any hope for a romantic connection between them.

Despite her rejections, he couldn't deny that he felt an undeniable pull toward her, and he was determined to find a way to break through her defenses and win her heart.

"Life is too short to spend it not with the people we desire," he said.

Uzana clapped his hands. He did not expect Ragnar's answer to be so poetic. Not Ragnar at all. He had changed a lot during their nine months in Clearport—all thanks to Sophia.

Uzana was horrified by the change in Ragnar's demeanor. He almost didn't recognize his cold older brother.

Ragnar had been brought up very harshly by their father. The brothers may not have had the same mother, as they were born to women bought from a merchant, but they shared a bond that transcended blood.

They were always together, watching each other's backs. Despite the harshness of their lives, they found solace in each other's company, knowing that they were all they had in this world.

"What about your girl? I heard she hates you to death. Strange, huh? Usually, you're always favored by girls." Ragnar asked back.

"Errr...," Uzana scratched his forehead, a gesture typical of him.

While Rast, Arn, and Reeves stifled a giggle, Roman remained silent as he made circles on the water bubbles. Even the quiet Roman had a girl he liked, Helvis.

Roman, the quiet one, had his eye on Helvis, a girl who was quick-witted and a bit mischievous. Among the other timid and reserved healer girls, Helvis was the only one who aggressively pursued Roman.

While listening to his friends' conversations, Roman daydreamed about Helvis. The way her eyes sparkled as she spoke, the way she moved with a confident grace, was a source of endless fascination for Roman.

He found himself drawn to her despite himself, unable to resist her magnetic pull. Every time they sat together in silence, Roman felt a jolt of electricity pass through him as Helvis leaned closer, her lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"That's right. There are many other beautiful girls in Everkeep. You can see for yourself. But why did you brush off their hands when they took your arm, hoi, Uzana? You said you'd forget everything in Clearport as soon as you arrived," Arnulp reminded.

Rast nodded approvingly.

"How should I know? It's a reflex movement!"

"Does Adeline Shad have your body too?" Ragnar interjected. "You think only Adeline Shad can touch you?"

Uzana's face reddened instantly.

"Oh, my sweet little brother. We're pretty much the same. We're of the same blood," Ragnar shook his head.

"Yeah, Brother Ragnar, because life is too short not to be with the people we desire. Satisfied?"

Ragnar smiled. As he closed his eyes, he sank into the water. With every passing moment, the heat of the water seeped deeper into his muscles, melting away the aches and pains that had plagued him for months.

He could feel his mind unspooling, the weight of

 his worries melting away with every passing second. Here, in this tranquil sanctuary, nothing else mattered but the sensation of contentment that flowed through his body.

The sudden commotion at the outdoor bath was alarming. Gammaaloth's regiment, enjoying a nude soak, scrambled to their feet and stumbled out of the water to conceal their pale and mighty bodies.

It was then that they discovered curious eyes peering through the woven dividers separating the male and female baths.

"What's going on? Did the enemy attack?" Ragnar hurriedly got up, put on the bathrobe provided, and stepped out.

"Your Highness! There are many eyes peering through the perforated walls," they reported.

Some of Gamaaloth's troops stumbled out of the plunge pool, water dripping as they stepped out and covered their mighty bodies.

Others buried themselves even deeper so prying eyes could not see their physical form.

The hot springs were meant to be a place of relaxation and contemplation, but this intrusion had ruined the entire atmosphere.

Ragnar knew he had to act quickly before the incident spread, so he called upon the bathhouse guards.

"Cover that strange hollow wall with anything that isn't see-through!" He commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

With a swift sense of urgency, the guards swiftly closed the walls with impenetrable black cloth. However, this didn't stop the muffled complaints of the women who had been caught peeping.

"What the hell was that just now? The peepers were women?" Uzana joined in. "On what basis were they peeping at us?!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Eryas Citadel baths are designed like this. The men's and women's bathing pools are next to each other and... and...," they stammered to explain, their bodies trembling violently and starting to look like they were about to fall to their knees and ask to be beheaded.

"And what?" Ragnar said in a horribly low tone.

"Is this the first time something like this has happened? You didn't prepare to welcome us! Why did you build a bathing wall with so many holes in it? You, people of Everkeep, are so stupid!" Uzana said irritably.

And sure enough, all the bathhouse guards fell on the floor before the two princes of the Gamaaloth Kingdom with their heads bowed deeply and sobbing while saying simultaneously.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty, we deserve to die!"


