You play a dangerous game

Time frame: wartime

Sophia couldn't help but wonder what Ragnar might be thinking as the silence stretched between them. But no matter how hard she tried, his enigmatic expression gave nothing away.

Sophia took a deep breath, feeling her heart swell with gratitude as she gazed upon Ragnar. "My Lord," she began, watching as Ragnar immediately turned his attention to her. "I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us. I can honestly say that we would not be where we are today without you."

"What's everything? Can you explain in more detail?"

Sophia was reluctant to continue. She still wanted to pretend she did not have the abilities Ragnar had accused her of.

Admitting that she possessed high-level magic power was tantamount to handing over her neck to a decapitator.

But even as she kept her head down, she couldn't help but notice the way that the pendant in Ragnar's hand shimmered and glowed with each movement he made.

It was a beautiful sight, almost hypnotic in its grace and fluidity, and for a moment, Sophia got lost in the dance.

"Is that the sacred stone Barsphirine around your wrist and index finger? The same stone King Valdemar gave me and Adeline?"

Sophia looked at Ragnar expectantly, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the pendant in his hand.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity piquing within her, wondering what secrets the sacred stone Barsphirine might hold.

Sophia knew that her sister, Adeline, held the same stone given to them by King Valdemar, but she had always been curious about the significance of the stone and what it represented.

As she continued to gaze at Ragnar, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside of her. Would he finally share the mysteries of the Barsphirine with her?

Or would he keep the knowledge to himself, as he often did with his own secrets?

Even as she waited for his response, Sophia couldn't help but think that the Barsphirine held a power that was somehow connected to her own destiny, a connection that she was determined to unravel.

"What is so special about the Barsphirine stone that it is called a sacred stone in Gamaaloth? Why are only you and Uzana wearing it? Why don't the other dragon riders wear it? Are you and Uzana the King's favorite children? Does the Crown Prince of Gamaaloth Kingdom also wear the Barsphirine stone?"

Ragnar's head began to throb at Sophia's persistent questions. He knew from the start that the pendant would give him a headache.

Moreover, his father had clearly said that even Gamaaloth was forbidden to wear Barsphirine except for those King Valdemar chose.

King Valdemar was truly charmed by Sophia's innocent and helpless appearance. Much like Ragnar, he had a soft spot for young women who seemed delicate and powerless.

Sophia was the epitome of such a look, with her soft features and wide, doe-like eyes.

Despite Ragnar's concerns, he couldn't help but feel drawn to the girl's innocence and purity. But Ragnar knew all too well that appearances could be deceiving, and he feared that the King's trust in Sophia could lead to disastrous consequences in the near future.

Unbeknownst to his father, Sophia was using her innocent gaze to appear non-threatening and manipulate situations to her advantage. She knew exactly how to use her charm and subtle movements to hide in plain sight without being detected.

As his father and Ragnar discussed the affairs of the kingdom, Sophia remained hidden, watching and listening intently. But Ragnar was not fooled by her innocent act.

Ragnar clicked his tongue and called out for Rersiat. It was time for him to meet his father and return to Metaena. Despite Ragnar's insistent gaze, Sophia continued to chatter away.

Ragnar gritted his teeth in frustration. Rersiat soon appeared at his side, and Ragnar mounted Ymat, ready to leave immediately.

"What does the Crown Prince look like?" Sophia asked again. "He was the one who first brought up the negotiation of war prizes in the form of as many girls as he needed. Can I guess what he looks like?"

Ragnar didn't answer but fixed the reins on Rersiat.

"Hey! Want to bet my guess is right or wrong?"

Ragnar paused for a moment. "What did you promise?"


"Okay. Go ahead."

"He must be an ugly man who is not even liked by the girls you bought from that evil trader. That's why he found a way out by screwing girls outside Metaena, impregnating them, and then taking your children back to Gamaaloth." Sophia used the opportunity to vent her hatred for the crown prince of Gamaaloth. After all, the treaty was his idea.

Ragnar listened carefully to Sophia's words.

"Did I guess wrong?"

"Partially correct," Ragnar replied.

"The other part?"

"I don't know. Later when you meet him, you can decide for yourself whether your guess was right or wrong. Now that you are partially right, what do you want from me?" He said as he jumped on Ymat.

"Accompany me shopping to the city after you finish escorting King Valdemar. There are some foodstuffs and medicines to buy."

Ragnar shook his head. "You asked the Gamaaloth Kingdom's Special Forces Warlord of the Dragon Riders to go shopping." He repeated Sophia's request to him - explaining how insolent Sophia's request just now was.

"Yes, My Lord. I like chatting with you. I will use this opportunity to get to know you better. We will be good friends in the future in the family relationship of Cescil and Gamaaloth."

Once again, Ragnar fell silent as he listened to Sophia's words. His massive frame towered over Ymat, a commanding and terrifying sight. For a moment, Ragnar seemed lost in his thoughts, contemplating the gravity of the situation.

As he looked down at Sophia, he could see the fearlessness in her eyes, and her unwavering courage struck him. It's a trait that he'd admired in her ever since the day they met.

They were standing in a wide-open field, green grass stretching out as far as the eye could see. Ymat and Rersiat's monstrous bodies dominated the landscape, Ragnar's imposing presence adding to the formidable scene.

Despite the intimidating surroundings, Sophia stood her ground, unflinching in the face of the two largest dragons in the world. This unwavering bravery was what had drawn Ragnar to her.

"Do you like me, Sophia?" he asked.

"Hm?" Sophia responded, taken aback by the sudden question.

"I see you're trying to get closer to me. Do you like me, Sophia?" he repeated, his tone firm and determined.

"Yes, for now, I like you as a friend, Ragnar. Very much so. If I am being honest, had I not been married to Sir Arthur, I would have chosen you as my husband." Sophia's words came out with sincerity, and Ragnar could sense that there was no deceit in her declaration. Her admission took him aback, and for a moment, his face betrayed a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Sophia stood before Ragnar, her eyes sparkling with deep affection. Ragnar himself was sitting on Ymat, a furrowed brow indicating the intensity of his thoughts.

Sophia's words hung in the air, and for a moment, the world fell silent. It's as if the natural world itself was waiting, holding its breath, to see how Ragnar would react.

Ragnar's eyes seemed to sparkle with an intensity that was hard to ignore, even as he averted his gaze. His cheeks flushed a deep red, betraying the range of emotions that he was feeling at that moment.

Sophia's innocent words had left him feeling exposed and vulnerable, and he struggled to regain his composure. "You play a dangerous game, my lady."

"I know. But I was honest when I said I liked you, Ragnar. I wish God would change fate and make me meet you earlier, Ragnar. I would most likely become your wife. I have never met a man with a heart as soft and warm as yours." Sophia said with a genuine smile.

Ragnar nodded his head several times, clenching his jaw tightly. Sophia's flirting was no longer funny to him.

Sophia stood before Ragnar, her demure smile belying the mischievous glint in her eyes. She had an air of confidence and charm that kept him both captivated and on edge.

Ragnar's voice was low, revealing a mix of emotions - anger, insecurity, and a touch of fear. He recognized that Sophia was playing a dangerous game and knew better than to let his guard down around her.

"A married woman declares her love for me. I will remember this day as the greatest insult of my life, My Lady." Ragnar's voice was low and gravelly.

Sophia gasped. "Forgive my impudence, my lord. I did not know that in Gamaaloth, a woman cannot declare her love to a man first. Oh, yes, I just remembered, they don't even have tongues."

Ragnar ignored Sophia's banter, his expression serious and unyielding. He carefully adjusted his grip on Ymat's reins, plotting his next move.

Without a word, he signaled to Ymat to prepare for a jump. Ymat nodded, sensing the gravity of the situation, and began to prance and paw at the ground with excitement.

Meanwhile, Rersiat lazily made his way to the open field, stretching his wings and contemplating the daunting task ahead. He knew he was not as quick as Ymat - his wife - but he made up for it with strength and endurance.

With a deep sigh, Rersiat crouched down and prepared to leap into the air, ready to join Ymat.

"Didn't you say that you haven't had any children from your marriage?" Ragnar asked before he jumped.

"Yes, my lord," Sophia replied.

"That's strange. Didn't you say that a healer's blessed womb is exceptionally fertile and that it only takes one instance of intercourse to conceive? Is your husband infertile?" Ragnar inquired.

Sophia stumbled for a moment, taken aback by Ragnar's question.

"Or your husband not touching you at all?" He cut in sharply.

"Ragnar!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Isn't marriage without children considered weak in Cescil? It can even be annulled as if it never happened."

Sophia started to regret her careless words, realizing she had revealed too much personal information. Ragnar seemed to have done some background investigation into her, and it left her wondering what else he might know about her.

"Sophia, don't blame me if I later ruin your marriage. You were careless with me from the start, and I will make you accept the consequences. Also, one more thing, after you meet the crown prince, I will collect the bet from your wrong guess."

Ragnar leaned back and let out a resounding click of his tongue, a clear signal to Ymat to take flight. Ymat launched into the air with lightning-fast reflexes, soaring high above the ground.

Rersiat followed closely behind, their powerful wings beating in perfect sync. Ymat executed an acrobatic turn as they ascended, twisting and spinning through the air before leveling out and racing towards the rocky cliff.

Their figures soared in the sky, creating a beautiful scene that resembled a dance. They performed agile twists and turns, swooping low and then soaring high, cutting through the air in confident arcs.

After a moment of acrobatics, they changed direction, flying toward the edge of a rocky cliff. On top of the cliff stood King Valdemar, who stoically awaited their arrival.
