Would history repeat itself?

Her body shook uncontrollably, and her mind raced with thoughts of the unknown dangers lurking outside her tent.

Every rustle of leaves or distant sound sent shivers down her spine.

Her breaths came in short, shallow gasps as she tried to calm herself down.

But the fear was relentless, and it seemed to be closing in around her like a vise.

The darkness outside the tent seemed impenetrable, and Adeline couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

It was as though countless unseen eyes bore into her very soul.

She tried to remind herself of Elder's teachings, to focus on the present, to disconnect from her fear, but her thoughts were garbled and unproductive.

Lady Sophia had been forced to use her high-level magic every day since she had treated Ragnar and Qedren for the deadly Trutian poison.

Adeline remembered being told that it was the only way to save the kingdom.

Ragnar and Qedren needed to remain alive if Cescil had any chance of recapturing the territory that Ostril had occupied.

Lady Sophia's strong magic had been key in keeping the two alive and preventing them from falling victim to the poison's deadly effects. But the cost had been high.

Lady Sophia had been pushing herself to the limit every day, and it was clear that her strength was waning.

She had tapped into ancient, potent forces to keep Ragnar and Qedren alive, and the sheer magnitude of her powers left Adeline's head spinning.

But Adeline couldn't help but feel a sense of fear for Lady Sophia's well-being.

She knew that the cost of wielding such magic could be great, and she prayed that Lady Sophia wouldn't be consumed by the very forces she sought to control.

Adeline, Shi, and Helvis had been gathered and told about the urgency and importance of Lady Sophia's high-level magic.

They had agreed to help keep her act a secret, understanding the risks and dangers involved.

However, now that Ragnar and Qedren had recovered, Lady Sophia had been found practicing her high-level magic outside of their agreement.

Adeline felt a sinking feeling in her gut as she realized the implications of what had happened.

Adeline knew the consequences of breaking the agreement, and the risks to all of them were too great.

Adeline wondered what they should do next, and she knew that they had to confront Lady Sophia about her actions.

It wouldn't be easy, but they couldn't let their fear get in the way of doing what was right.

As Adeline contemplated the gravity of the situation, she couldn't help but feel torn.

On one hand, she knew that Lady Sophia's unauthorized use of high-level magic could have disastrous consequences for their clan.

On the other hand, Lady Sophia had been instrumental in saving the lives of Ragnar and Qedren, which had been crucial to the survival of their kingdom during war.

Adeline knew that any misstep could result in the erasure of their clan's entire lineage.

She wondered if there was perhaps a way to approach Lady Sophia and explain the risk that her actions posed without causing conflict.

The risks were too high to ignore, and Adeline knew that they couldn't let the fear get in the way of doing what was right.

Adeline decided that she would speak with Lady Sophia directly and try to understand her motivations and intentions.

She hoped that they could come to a mutual understanding and create a plan to manage and hide the powerful magic that Lady Sophia wielded.

She remembered Lady Severa and the tragic fate that befell her and Lady Severa's entire lineage, including her mother.

They had been wiped out, with the healer lineage ending up on the executioner's block.

Their decapitated heads had been displayed on pikes for weeks, left to rot and be eaten by crows.

Adeline shuddered at the thought of such a fate befalling her and their entire clan.

She knew that they couldn't take any chances when it came to the use of high-level magic.

She steeled herself, knowing that the stakes were too high to let fear paralyze her.

The reasons behind the undivided loyalty of the previous generation to Lady Severa were lost in time, but the current generation of the clan knew the high price of betrayal and the consequences that would follow.

They had seen the fate of those who had crossed Cescil's policy and knew the outcome that awaited them if they deviated from it in any way.

A single act of disloyalty could spell doom for the entire clan.

The consequences of betrayal were dire, and they would not hesitate to deliver punishment to anyone who threatened the safety of the supreme power of Cescil Kingdom.

They knew that kingdom systems were always watching, and it took just one person to report her practices for the entire clan to meet a gruesome end.

As Adeline struggled with her own thoughts, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

Peeking out of the tent, she saw two Cescil soldiers making their way towards Lady Sophia's tent.

She couldn't help but wonder if they too could sense the restless spirits that seemed to linger around the tent, foreshadowing the impending capture of Lady Sophia.

The uncertainty of the situation added to the tension in the air as Adeline grappled with the burden of what lay ahead.

Adeline rushed back into the tent and shook the small figure of Lady Sophia vigorously.

She shook her with such force that Sophia jolted awake with a gasp, her eyes darting around the room frantically.

"GET UP, MY LADY!!! PLEASE, WAKE UP!!!!" Adeline urged urgently, her voice trembling with fear and desperation, knowing all too well that their safety was hanging by a thread.

Lady Sophia was startled awake, as though she had been ripped from a deep, consuming dream that masked her awareness.

Suddenly, the spirits that had once surrounded them vanished into thin air, dispersing like smoke and running out of the tent.

"Adeline!" she called out, her voice quavering heavily. The fear in her eyes was palpable, and she clung to Adeline's arm tightly, seeking comfort and reassurance.

Adeline realized that Lady Sophia had no idea what just happened.

At that moment, the two soldiers entered the tent and demanded that Lady Sophia come with them.

Adeline's heart sank with dread, knowing all too well the potential danger that lay ahead for her Lady.

Without hesitation, Adeline stepped forward and stood in front of the soldiers, determined to protect her Lady at all costs. "She will not go with you," she stated firmly, her voice unwavering as she blocked their path.

The two guards stared back at Adeline, laughing in a condescending manner, as though amused by her efforts to protect Lady Sophia.

"You can't stop us," one of them sneered. "Lady Sophia is coming with us, and you have no power to forbid the Queen Mother's orders."

Adeline stood her ground, her fists tightly clenched at her sides. "I won't let you take her. For what purpose if I may know? It's already too late at night," she declared defiantly, her voice dripping with determination.

The guards snickered at Adeline's boldness, but they didn't back down. Their eyes narrowed, sizing up their opponents to find any weaknesses. "This isn't your concern, lowly healer," one of them sneered, his voice cold.

Lady Sophia rose gracefully to her feet, standing tall despite the situation. "

Do not speak disrespectfully toward my sister," she said in a firm, but gentle voice.

The two guards stood frozen in place, their eyes locked on Lady Sophia's piercing gaze. Though they seemed visibly shaken, they remained too proud to apologize, their expressions stubborn and uncompromising.

Lady Sophia turned to Adeline and smiled. "Wait for me here, Adeline. If I do not return until morning, then I request your assistance as usual to take over my duties."

Adeline's eyes widened with fear and desperation as Lady Sophia turned to leave, her heart heavy with a sense of abandonment.

"No, my Lady!" she begged, grabbing onto her arm and dropping to her knees in desperation. "Please, come back... I beg of you...!!!"

Tears streamed down Adeline's face as she sobbed uncontrollably, her fear and anxiety threatening to swallow her whole.

She couldn't bear to lose Lady Sophia, not after all they had been through together.

But Lady Sophia's gentle touch on her face brought her back to reality. "I will never leave you, Adeline," she said softly, her voice filled with kindness and compassion. "I will come back, no matter what."

After saying those words, Lady Sophia followed the two Cescil guards out of the tent.

Adeline cried shakily as she sealed her lips. She did not know what to do.

What if Lady Sophia was caught red-handed, and the entire clan had to suffer the consequences?

Would history repeat itself?

The thought of Lady Severa perishing at the hands of Queen Mother was too much to bear, and the young women of the clan remained resolutely loyal to her.

People saw her as a symbol of hope and a beacon of light in an otherwise dark fate of the healer clan.

They were determined to preserve her teachings and beliefs at all costs, and they knew that her intention was good.

Despite the imminent danger that Lady Severa and the young women of the clan faced, they remained steadfast in their unwavering loyalty to her.

Lady Severa's teachings had become an integral part of their lives, and they were willing to pay the ultimate price to protect it.

As Adeline watched Lady Sophia, tears welled up in her eyes, thinking of the sacrifices that their mothers had made because of Lady Severa's belief.

The possibility of such hardships striking them was overwhelming, but the determination to sustain Lady Severa's legacy prevented her from giving in to the fear.

Adeline knew that the young women of the clan in that time were united in their support of Lady Severa, and that their loyalty was unbreakable.

They would do everything in their power to protect their leader and her teachings.

To betray Lady Severa was to betray the entire clan, and this was a risk that no one was willing to take.

Lady Severa's teachings were controversial and had not won the approval of the ruling King Cescil, Queen Mother, and the kingdom.

The consequences of being found out practicing these teachings were dire, and the young women of the clan knew the high price that came with this kind of rebellion.

It only takes one person to report Lady Sophia's actions to the kingdom, so only Lady Sophia will suffer the consequences, and her entire clan will be safe.

Isn't a small sacrifice needed for the greater good?

Should Adeline become a traitor to her own clan for the common good?

No, it won't.

She would not let old history repeat itself a second time.

This time the Queen Mother would receive fierce resistance.

Adeline stared at the Gamaaloth encampment in the distance and decided to run toward it.
