My Lady... RUN!!!



The sounds of Arthur and the palace guards sighing and moaning with pleasure filled the eardrums of Sophia and Adeline.

It was like a heavy blow to the ear, a thud that reverberated. Arthur and his paramour were too engrossed in their amorous encounter to perceive anything beyond. And so, they stayed intertwined, reveling in the tranquility of their union.

All the while, Sophia had skillfully hidden these grim secrets from her sisters in the healer clan, Adeline in particular.

No, Sophia had no intention of deceiving them, especially Adeline, who had always sung praises of her marriage to Sir Arthur and his seemingly profound affection for Sophia.

Adeline frequently hailed Arthur's virtues and his steadfast commitment to Sophia.

Adeline clutched her mouth, stifling her sobs. Her eyes exuded disappointment and heartache. She gazed at Sophia in disbelief, struggling to comprehend that Lady Sophia had been concealing this truth from her all along.

Turning away, Adeline immediately abandoned her initial goal of seeking Lady Sophia. This revelation, too, shattered her. She fled from the scene with a heavy heart, engulfed in her sorrow.

If even Lady Sophia herself couldn't secure eternal happiness, what chance did she stand? A mere healer without royal lineage?

These thoughts whirled within Adeline's mind as she escaped from the agonizing truth she had just witnessed.

Doubt and despair took hold of her, casting a shadow over the remnants of her optimism for her own potential happiness.

Silently, Sophia observed Adeline's departure, her gaze lingering for a moment before shifting to the night sky.

The sky over Everkeep lacked the beauty of Clearport and Newside. It mirrored the reality of her present life—a life brimming with challenges and letdowns.

Sophia couldn't escape the feeling of resignation that settled over her as she stood beneath the less enchanting sky.

Irony threaded through her emotions, for she found herself yearning for the war-torn days she had once endured.

In the face of unrelenting pressure and imminent peril, she never would have expected to miss those times. Yet, within the chaos of battle, an odd tranquility had embraced her.

Amid the turmoil of war, every choice had been distinct, every movement propelled by a resolute purpose. Doubt and hesitation had no space to thrive.

Sophia discovered solace within the surge of adrenaline, moments where survival and fighting for a cause consumed her thoughts entirely.

In the midst of battle, life was stripped to its bare essentials, offering respite from the intricate complexities and betrayals she now confronted in her personal life.

As the memories of those times resurfaced, a bittersweet revelation washed over Sophia. She longed for the clarity and sense of unity that accompanied the trials of war.

Amid a world fraught with unpredictability, the battlefield provided an unexpected sanctuary—a realm where she belonged, where her purpose was unwaveringly defined.

Undoubtedly, amidst the chaos of war, Sophia discovered solace in the company of those she could depend on.

With Adeline, her unwavering companion, and her devoted sisters at her side, she found a support system that was unbreakable. And then there was Ragnar.

Ragnar, the enigmatic individual whose journey intertwined with hers in the most unforeseen manner.

Amid the tumult of battle, their connection deepened, cemented by shared trials and an unspoken mutual comprehension.

They had transformed into each other's unyielding support systems, drawing power from the mere presence of one another.

Ragnar provided Sophia with a connection that transcended verbal communication. Their mutual comprehension, unsaid yet deeply felt, along with their steadfast allegiance, fortified their relationship.

Within him, she discovered more than just a fellow warrior; he was a trustworthy confidant who saw through the veneer she displayed to the world.

Amid the fog of unpredictability and deceit, Sophia longed for the companionship she had shared with Ragnar and her dependable comrades.

Unified, they stood as an unwavering unit, their determination and trust rising above the tumultuous surroundings.

As Sophia navigated the corridors of the castle, a mixture of emotions played across her features. Regret tugged at her heart for failing to fully grasp the significance of those bygone days.

Had she possessed the foresight that these periods of conflict would morph into memories to be cherished, she would have savored each instant more intensely.

The cacophony of battles and the gravity of their missions had often overshadowed the fleeting moments of joy and companionship that had punctuated their journey.

Immersed in the urgency of conflict, she had been driven by the demands of strategy and safeguarding those entrusted to her care.

However, looking back with the clarity of hindsight, she recognized the true value of those periods and the connections solidified amid the chaos.

In her reminiscence, Sophia embraced memories of shared laughter with her comrades, hushed exchanges illuminated by candlelight, and the serene interludes of rest amidst the turmoil.

In those instances, she glimpsed the true essence of life, the fragile beauty that persisted even in the darkest of times.

No longer would she offer fervent prayers to the Old God for a swift end to the war. Instead, she resolved to savor each moment with patience and a newfound appreciation.

She surrendered herself to the ebb and flow of battle, seeking solace in the present and treasuring every precious moment.

As the weight of sadness settled upon Sophia, she acknowledged the bittersweet truth that her friendship with Ragnar had reached its conclusion.

Tomorrow would mark the grand wedding ceremony of all the Gamaaloth soldiers and the girl of their choice. It meant that tomorrow would also be Ragnar's wedding day.

Sophia closed her eyes, allowing her mind to wander as she envisioned Ragnar dressed in the regal attire of Cescil, standing alongside the chosen girl.

The image pierced her heart with a mix of sorrow and longing. She couldn't help but wonder what could have been if their paths had led them to a different destiny.

Her imagination painted a bittersweet picture, where she stood by Ragnar's side, their hands intertwined and their eyes filled with affection.

But the reality of the situation shattered those dreams, reminding her of the boundaries that now separated them.

A pang of jealousy surged within Sophia, followed by a wave of guilt for harboring such emotions. She knew she should be happy for Ragnar for finding someone who would stand beside him and bring him joy.

Yet, it was hard to suppress the ache in her heart, knowing that she could never be that person.

Sophia couldn't help but imagine the scene that would unfold at Ragnar's wedding.

She pictured Ragnar standing at the altar, exuding a radiance that surpassed any she had ever seen. His handsome features, and his strong and noble presence, would undoubtedly captivate everyone in attendance.

As for the fortunate girl who would become Ragnar's bride, Sophia envisioned her as the epitome of beauty and grace.

She imagined a smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with love and excitement as she exchanged vows with the man of her dreams.

Together, they would embark on a journey of shared happiness and create a future filled with cherished memories.

Sophia's thoughts wandered to the prospect of their future children—adorable little ones who would inherit their parents' best qualities.

She envisioned the laughter and joy that would fill their home, the pitter-patter of tiny feet echoing through the halls

. These children would be the living testament of Ragnar's and his bride's love, bringing even more blessings into their lives.

As Sophia indulged in her solitary laughter, she made her way into her horse-drawn carriage. It had become customary for her to leave the festivities earlier than Arthur.

He often chose to spend the night with his lover at every Cescil celebration.

Risjad bowed respectfully as he greeted Sophia and opened the carriage door for her. Their horse-drawn carriage driver was well acquainted with the routine of escorting Sophia home alone.

He never questioned and promptly closed the door as soon as Sophia settled inside.

The dim interior of the carriage enveloped Sophia, providing a sense of privacy and respite from the world outside.

The soft sway of the carriage and the rhythmic sound of hoofbeats created a soothing ambiance, allowing her thoughts to wander freely.

Silently, Sophia observed the passing scenery through the carriage window, watching as familiar streets and buildings faded into the night.

The distant sounds of merriment gradually receded, replaced by the comforting solitude that accompanied her on these solitary journeys.

Through the deserted streets of Cescil, there was hardly a soul remaining.

Everyone had gathered at Eryas Citadel to revel in the grand celebration marking the end of the war.

Sophia opened her carriage window, allowing the night air to brush against her face. For a fleeting moment, she hoped the wind could whisk away the layers of sadness accumulated throughout the evening.

A few teardrops escaped her eyes, and she wiped them away gently. Suddenly, the horse-drawn carriage suddenly stopped, catching Sophia off guard.

It was so abrupt that her head nearly collided with the window frame.

Startled, Sophia leaned forward, peering out of the carriage to see what had caused the unexpected stop.

Sophia's eyes widened in alarm. "What's the matter?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

The carriage driver, Risjad, opened a small hatch connecting his compartment to the carriage without knocking, which was unusual. He appeared visibly distressed, his voice trembling as he whispered urgently,

"My Lady... RUN!!!"

Confusion and fear gripped Sophia as she quickly processed the urgency in Risjad's words.

Sophia's heart raced in the dimly lit carriage as she heard the spine-chilling sound of a severed throat, followed by a splatter of blood from Risjad's eyes, nose, and mouth.

Time seemed to freeze as she sat there, paralyzed by fear and shock.

The silence of the deserted street was shattered by the lifeless thud of Risjad's body hitting the ground outside.

Sophia's mind raced, trying to comprehend the horrifying scene before her. Who could have done this? And why?