A Boisterous Morning After the Grand Wedding Night

"Do not lie to me anymore, My Lady," whispered Adeline softly. "Whatever it is, the pain or the heavy burden, share it with me... do not bear it all alone. Please, share it with me."

Sophia's tears flowed uncontrollably, carrying with them a mix of sorrow, frustration, and a profound sense of loss.

Each sob that escaped her lips echoed the depths of her pain, reverberating through the empty chambers of her heart.

She had spent her entire life concealing her vulnerabilities, donning a facade of strength and resilience.

But now, in the wake of Ragnar's sudden departure, the dam she had built to contain her emotions crumbled, releasing a flood of anguish she could no longer contain.

The realization hit her with an overwhelming force. Ragnar, the man she had trusted, the one she had allowed herself to be vulnerable with, had left without so much as a goodbye.

The pain of his absence tore at her soul, leaving her feeling abandoned and betrayed.