A Whirlwind to Notion of Beauty and Normalcy

The concept of a mother felt foreign to them, as they had never known the tenderness and care that a mother provides.

They had been deprived of the understanding and awareness of what it truly means to have a mother.

The idea of motherhood had simply eluded Gamaaloth's comprehension. Raised in isolation and shielded from external influences, their understanding of the world was limited to the internal narratives passed down within their own community.

They were oblivious to the depth of a mother's love and the significance it held in the lives of individuals.

Moreover, Gamaaloth's isolation had led them to be unaware of the inherent sexism within their own beliefs and practices.

The patriarchal nature of their society had become ingrained, and they remained oblivious to the inequalities and biases present in their treatment of women.

They were blind to the systemic prejudices and failed to recognize the inherent worth and beauty of women beyond their physical appearance.