The Future of Gamaaloth Babies

Stepping towards Queen Oda, Elder Criyca bowed respectfully, acknowledging the Queen's words. "Your Majesty, it is my duty to foresee the paths laid before us by the spirits. May I continue to serve you and the clan with utmost dedication," she spoke with humility.

Queen Oda smiled triumphantly. The decision to bestow the clan healer to the Gamaaloth was not made lightly.

Elder Criyca had also whispered that the union between them might not result in offspring.

Children born from the union of the Gamaaloth and the Cescilian people could pose a threat to the kingdom's authority.

Queen Oda couldn't fathom the power of their half-beast nature toppling the throne in the future.

The Queen intended to minimize the chances of the Gamaaloth having offspring.

It was time for them to no longer be the strongest people. Their involvement in the ongoing wars had won the hearts of many citizens.