Waking up the next day feeling refreshed after the training I had with Hephaestus I got up excited for a new day until I realized I made a promise to Syr and I forgot to buy ingredients. Why just why am I so stupid how could I forget such a basic fact this should have been the day I really impressed Syr but I forgot the ingredients. Oh I know I will just ask Hephaestus even if she might be a little jealous oh well I will just make some food for her as well. As I was thinking that I went to go to Hephaestus workshop because lets be honest she is usually always there.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Hi, Hephaestus did you miss me?"
"Karma what are you doing back here so early our training isn't until later in the afternoon."
"I know that Hephaestus it is just I had a little favor could you let me use your ingredients to make a lunch for someone."
"Ohh I thought you were pursuing me but it seems like someone else is on your radar as well why should I help you with that problem and are you really that good of a cook?"
"Is that jealousy I see Hephaestus if it makes you feel any better I will make lunch for you as well with your ingredients and I promise my food will be the best you ever tasted if it is how about you give me an award."
"Fine you can take the ingredients from my kitchen but before that tell me who this other girl is."
"Okay I will tell you it is a waitress named Syr she is pretty adorable and I think she is hiding something big but I just don't know yet. Oh yeah, she is a waitress at the Hostess of Fertility."
"Hmm, I see I believe I know who you are talking about well I hope you impress her with your cooking." After she said that I gave her a quick kiss then went to the kitchen to start preparing my meal which didn't take long with my skills after that I went back to Hephaestus and gave her the meal then headed off to meet Syr."
"Hey, Syr I see you were waiting for me today how are you on a fine morning." I gave her big hug when seeing her.
"Hi Karma I see you got something in your hand there"
"Indeed this is the lunch I made for you and I see you also made a lunch for me hehe so why don't we trade."
"Of course, that was what I was planning to do anyways I hope you enjoy the food I made for you and I am sure yours will be good as well."
"Yes have a nice day Syr also I packed a little bit for Mama Mia inside because she sometimes lets you talk to me on the clock so this is my thank-you gift for her."
"Alright I will let her know and be safe on your adventure," she said while smiling at me.
"Yes and have a good day too." leaning in to give her a kiss on her cheek which earned a blush as I started walking off.
Yup I can feel it today is gonna be a good day today. I only wish I got to see the reactions of Hephaestus and Syr oh well I guess that will be the one thing I will be missing out on. Welp time to enter the dungeon for another day of grinding. I made my way down to the 8th floor u know the same old story all the monsters were kinda easy for me anyways it is around lunchtime now I wonder how those girls liked my food.
(Hephaestus POV)
"Let's see if this cooking is something to brag about." after she said that she took a bite of the food.
"Ahhhhhhhh" after saying that she turned completely red after a moments notice she noticed her captain charged in worried.
"Is everything alright Hephaestus-sama are you okay."
"Y-yes I am okay I was just trying Karmas' cooking and it was so good it made me moan for some reason."
"Ohhh Karma is making your food now let me try it it must be good for you to act like that," Tsubaki said with a smirk.
"No go get your own Karma made this for me and me alone if you want some so bad go ask her yourself."
"Ohoho someone is overprotective now alright I will leave you alone for now I hope you do keep your voice down a little bit though." After she said that I turned completely read from embarrassment I can't believe I did that in front of my family I am sending a not to the guild to bring her home immediately when she is done with her adventure. Oh well, won't be as embarrassed as the girl that works as a waitress with people trying to court her every day.
(Syr POV)
I am so excited to try this lunch Karma made me I hope it is real good if it is it will add another point to the list of things I love about Karma right now its at 9999999999999999 points its just a lot of nines honestly.
"Mama Mia Karma left you a meal for lunch as thanks for letting me slack off work while she is here."
"Tsk that brat this better be good otherwise I will milk that brat dry with money."
After that little exchange, we went back to working and around lunchtime me and Mama Mia sat down to try the food.
"Alright, lets see if this brat can say this food is better than mine." after Mama Mia said that I took a bite of mine as well and at the same time.
"MMH" of course I said mine more louder and sensually since it is in my blood I wonder what would have happened if Karma was there to see if would she be able to control herself or would she just pounce on me. hehehe
"This brat made really good food to bad I probably can't keep as a cook here I could make more money from time to time."
"Heyyy don't use Karma like that she is my friend I am sure if you ask her nicely she will cook another meal for you."
HAHAHA I can only imagine Hephaestus getting really flustered and Syr well she is Syr you get the point she will act flustered but she is Freya that wouldn't really make her flustered at all anyways. I wonder what Mama Mia thought next time I see her I will make my proposal to her. I know she will accept as this will bring in more money and none of the waitresses would reject either I would imagine after seeing Syr and Mama Mias' reaction to the food I know they would want to try it themselves. After those thought I continued in my dungeon hunt because I want to level up to level 2 fast but I want to see what my max is for my skills.