Chapter 3- Reagan – The Snow Storm (VOLUME 2)

*~*Reagan's POV*~*

I took CJ back to my place and gave him the grand tour. What he liked most about it was the fact that there were no parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles that were gathered all around the place.

"I swear, when I am not on campus, I am always surrounded by the family. Yes, I get my time away, and yes I love my family, but come on!" He threw himself onto the couch again. Apparently, he was in a dramatic mood. "I am a grown man, I am twenty, for crying out loud, and I need my own space. I need to have a place that I can call my own, a place to relax and take a load off without my family just walking in on me or something."

"I don't even want to tell you how dirty and perverted that all sounds." I laughed at him.