Prologue : Negotiation (Part 3)

'So, what's the plan? How are we going to do this?' Burning with drive, I ask the mighty being.

"...Before that. This one will tell and seal a fragment of the world's fate unto your soul, child."


Right at that moment, something inexplicable happens.

It feels like they send me inside a movie that will last for eternity, yet over before I can gather my thoughts.

It is over in an instant, sure...But the damage done to me mentally is far from over.

Do you know what it feels like when your brain gets stuffed with information in one go? It's like having your head getting stitched up on top of a freaking rollercoaster.

It is something I will never ever want to go through again.

"It is necessary, and that will be the last." As if answering my plea, god speaks.

After calming myself down, I cautiously peek at god once again. '...Okay.'

"Rest assured, child. This one does not speak lies." A warm reply. "Now, you are curious about what you see, isn't that so?"

'Yes. Though it feels so lucid even now, I can't seem to remember most of them.'

"That is because of the fragment's seal. Worry not; in time, you'll remember them eventually."

'Hm...okay. It is what it is, I guess. So, what now?'

"You have to decide the blessings from which This one will bestow upon you."

'I get to decide that? Really? Can I ask for anything?'

"You can. With something to balance them."

'Hm...I know this won't work, but just in case...Can I ask for a power enough to destroy a world?'

"You can. But the price that comes with it is the destruction of your soul."

'Really? I mean, a whole world with billions of people is equal to one soul? Isn't the balance kinda crooked?'

"This one's divinity, along with the fragment of the world's fate, is enough to make up for the rest."

'Ah, that's why...' I will not understand the detail anyway, so taking god's word at face value seems wise enough for me.

'I digress. So...basically, how this works is I get to ask for any blessings I want. But that will come at a price. Okay, how about if I want to be immortal?'

"Something that exists out of the cycle of life and death cannot be born inside the cycle."

'Um, yeah, makes sense. You are going to reincarnate me after all...'

Scratching my illusory cheeks, I keep coming up with question after question. It is better to be overprepared than nothing at all.

'How about a super strong body with flying abilities? Like the Superman!'

"What price do you want to compensate for such a blessing?" Reply the god.

'I can decide those too? Oh, I get it. Since I keep asking for something ridiculous, the price is always my life. But now that the stake is not that higher, I can have more leeway, is that it?'

"Yes, child."

'Phew...This really will take a lot of thinking, ain't it...Um, can you give me some advice, god?' I ask carefully.

"This one is prohibited from doing so by the Great Law."

'What's the...Nah, I think I won't get the answer anyway.'

"Precisely so. At most, you can hear of its existence from This one."

'...Yeah, okay.'

So I start to contemplate what blessings that will help me in saving the world that's fated to doom. Fortunately, I have a clear picture of the world and what to expect of it from the information god stitched on my brain...erm, soul.

To sum it up, I need a blessing that will navigate my journey into a fantasy world nestled with magic and monsters. Also, while safety will take precedence as I adapt the life there. In the end, I will need to save the world.

Judging by what I feel from the fragment, I need power. Real power.

Warm-hearted scenarios like everyone banding their power together to vanquish evil are nice and all. But it will not be enough.

Though it doesn't mean people are useless when the time comes.

Nah, I am not so arrogant enough to shoot myself in the foot like that. I know my limit. And there's only so much this simple and flawed brain of mine can do.

I need the people...But I need the power first and foremost.

That's the whole point of why god needs me, after all.

It will be up to me at the very end...

And so, after throwing thousands of ideas back and forth, I finally found what I want.

"I see you've made up your mind." His call reverberates warmly across the holy throne.

'Yes, I have.' I reply resolutely. 'You know what the power I want and also the price I think of. Are they equal?'

God doesn't answer my question. Instead, the veil of fog that prevents me from seeing their holy countenance fades into nothingness.

It was a face I think I will not be able to forget. And yet, after I think so, I still can't make do with what I am seeing. Truly a bizarre and profound experience, I must say.

"Kneel and pray." It is but a simple command.

Strangely enough, I intuitively know what I must do.

As I kneel and put my hand together, I can feel the connection born between god and me. And I open my mouth at the behest of the holy light that shines between us.

"For the price of not being able to walk until the age where the world proclaims me to be an adult, I shall ask for a blessing that will warn me whenever danger creeps close upon me."

A blessing to keep me safe.

"For the price of losing all my five senses, with each of them getting restored every three years, I shall ask for a blessing to use Word Magic."

And the blessing to turn my command into reality.

"So it shall be." Says god as the lights dim out. And without warning, I feel a pull from behind.

"I bless unto thee My mark and light...May fate shines kind upon your feet...My child."

And with that, everything turns dark.