Our Dad, Erick James I would say is a fit forty-six-year-old with shoulder-length messy curly brown hair, and a full beard and this is the reason why I have lovely tanned skin. For mum to be able to do this dream of her’s our dad had to sell up his photography business to add extra funds to get us down to Brisbane, as he didn’t want his business partner to join him down south he wanted to include me and Charlotte into the business. He is a photographer by trade that is how he met our mum he was taking her headshots for her work. Our parents have been married for twenty-six years now, and they are still madly in love with each other and they still show it too. I am amazed they didn’t have any more children but they seem to only like just us three.
Our mum Katy James I would say a smoking hot forty-four years old, blonde shoulder-length hair, myself and Charlotte have her looks. Katy was the local Carins reporting for the local news now she will be an anchorwoman on the state news station. I am so proud of her for finally reaching her lifetime goals. At one point I wanted to join our mother in the same line of work, in high school I did three days of work experience she put me in front of the camera just to practice and I froze I couldn’t talk, she tried it once each day and I just couldn’t get past it. But she found out I loved being behind the camera or making people pretty to be on the camera so she put me to work in those areas and I loved it.
Alex my big brother is twenty-five years old and has the same type of hair as our dad, if he grew a beard he would look like dad but I won’t tell him that he would be pissed off at me over it. He is a primary school PE teacher in his third year, who managed to get a transfer down here. If I had a girlfriend I love I would never set them up with him as he enjoys playing the field and I don’t want their broken hearts to wreak my friendship. He didn’t always want to be a PE teacher he was once on the Townsville Cowboys football team he was contracted with them for three years, his last year was the grand finale game in Townsville against the Sharks he was on the field for a space of fifteen minutes before our lives stopped for what felt like a lifetime but really was a few seconds he was hit hard which knocked him out but it was how he was hit that scared us he had gone up in the air landing so badly, we thought he was dead, instead, he injured his shoulder and knee that badly he can never play at that level ever again. So he went into his next love teaching children how to play footy which turned into all sports.
Now my bubbly older twin sister Charlotte who is Down syndrome has blonde long curly hair like our dad but looks like our mum loves being in front of the camera and behind it like both of our parents. We all have treated her as a normal person it was how we had been raised, I believe because of this has shaped who she is today. I have never done anything without her by my side and the same for her, she is not just my twin sister she is my best friend. I’m hoping that with this move we both can save up enough money to do a trip around the world together, on a budget too, as our father said you see more of the countries that way.
I’m the baby in the family, the screw-up also finds myself in trouble more than I want to admit. I’m a jake of tradies, I never finished high school instead I had chosen to become a hairdresser, I loved it but also enjoyed doing makeup as well become a makeup artist, also branched out as a beautician my dream was to open up my own beauty place. However, I have also found the love of my life in taking photos just like dad I have just finished off a bachelor’s in Photography, and my dream now is to open up my own studio where I offer clients hair and makeup before they get their photo’s taken. I give my brother Alex a run for his money when it comes to partying and being wild.
I have been enjoying every stop we do along this road trip as dad has left one of his cameras in the car, and we both have been taking photos along the way of either family members in the photos or of the place we are at, I know it can get boring watching so many tree’s going by as Australia is so vast and all the towns are so far away from each other. One thing I am going to miss the most is walking a few streets from our house and you would have been at the beach, I know the house in Brisbane will not be that close to the beach. The beach is my peaceful place, I have always gone to the beach to sit and think, some days I would swim but not always as it can be bad either jellyfish or sharks or even crocs if you're on the wrong beach. Would love to learn how to surf just every boyfriend I had dated back up in Carins would never let me, scared I would break their surfboard or some fear that I would be better at it than them, I just wanted to try, Maybe I might be able to head down to the coast and maybe pay to learn or find someone willing to teach me.