Exploring Brisbane

For the next twenty minutes, we chatted away on the bus until it was our stop to get off, which was the fourth stop we walked the rest of the way, I liked that he kept on holding my hand when I wasn’t taking photos. Walking around the parts that he knew so well, he was really fun to be around and funny as well.

We stopped at the lagoon wow, how did I forget about that? “Ah um, Dimitri, I have forgotten to wear my togs,” I told him, he shrugs his shoulders, “We can swim another day Rhiannon, did you want to check out the art museum?” He asked me, I smiled at him holding my camera up, “I would love to.” I told him before clicking, and he groans, “Rhiannon think you have enough photos of me don’t you?” He asked, he tries to take the camera off of me, which is hard as I have the strap around my neck, and I laughed hard. “Nope, no one touches this but me,” I told him, he starts laughing too, “You’re very possessive of it.” He told me, “Of course, I am it's part of what pays my bill’s, Dimitri.” I replied. “Oh, so your not doing the annoying tourist thing your actually working?” He asked leaning closer to me, I smiled at him he leans further into me kissing me softly, I enjoy him kissing me. “Actually I’m doing both, need to build up my portfolio.” He laughs again, it’s a nice one I like it, “Of course you are.” He stated.

Before I knew it we are heading back to the bus station, and then I realized I’m such a horrible person that I had forgotten to ask any form of questions about him. “So, Dimitri how long have you lived in Australia?” I asked, he paused for a split second as I had stumped him, “We moved to Brisbane when I was sixteen years old. I became an Australian citizen when I was twenty, I love living here it’s nice and warm don’t have to worry about dying from the cold during the night.” He said I looked at him in sheer shock, “Wow it can do that? Happy you like living here. Also, do you live with your parents?” I asked, he laughed it wasn’t laughing at you laugh believe it was a nervous one.

“No, I moved out when I was twenty-one, I live in a shared house with best friends and sister.” He told me, ah so that girl I had heard was his sister? “How old are you? So sorry should have asked you so much sooner.” I whispered, and he gave me a friendly smile, “All good sweetheart, I didn’t ask you either. I’m twenty-six years old, how old are you?” He asked, we got onto the bus sat down next to each other and held hands, “I’m twenty-one, what do you do for a living?” I asked, I noticed he is sitting closer to me than he had earlier, I like his aftershave smell. “Well I had started out as a male entertainer, but now I’m a qualified landscaper and loving it.” He said quietly so others cannot hear us, holy shit he used to be a male stripper? “Oh wow I bet you get a lot of girls with that line?” I asked, “Yes and no,” He said, which I don’t understand.

“Um, going to need a bit more information than that mate.” I said, “Well, it brings the easy girls in, and the ones you might really like turn them off. So Rhiannon which one are you?” he asked looking at me like he can read my soul. “Well does make me want to your body more, but” He cuts me off, “And here is the but.” I glared at him, cutting him off, “Would you let me finish?” I asked, “Sorry Continue.” He said, “More upset that you had gotten paid to show off your body. What is going to happen when you are in your late thirties or something taking your child to school and their teacher remembers you from their hen's night etc. That is what I was thinking, I wasn’t thinking of bolting, I still want to continue on with this.” I said, he smiled at me, “Wow you are so not a normal twenty-one-year-old.” He said.

I smiled at him, “I have never been normal, what is that?” I asked and started giggling, “Well do not change, I like the person you are right now.” He said, I couldn’t help it but I blushed, he stood up holding his hand out for me as we got off the bus and made our way to our homes, only stopping at the jointing fence. “I don’t want to go in just yet,” I whispered, “Me either.” He said, “Looks like only my mum is home, did you want to see what my bedroom looks like from the inside?” I asked, he looked at me with a look on his face that I couldn’t read just yet. “Well, am I going into your room through that door or are you taking me up to meet her first?” He asked, “What would you like to do?” I asked him, “The best way is to go head on, as we do live next door to each other.” He said, “That we do, so here we go.” I said taking a deep breath in and out holding his hand tighter he gave it a gentle squeeze back.

We walked up the stairs and unlocked the front door and walked in, locking the door behind me, “Mum you home and awake?” I called out while Dimitri is looking around, he seems to like the childhood photos of me. “Yeah, I am love, in the kitchen babe!” She calls out I head towards the kitchen, with Dimitri following closely behind me, mum has her back to me, “Hey sweetheart, what did you do today?” She asked as she turned around spotting Dimitri, putting on a big smile on her face as she walked towards us, “Hello dear I’m Katy James, Rhiannon’s mum, and you are dear?” She asked.

He walked towards her giving her a handshake, “Hi I’m Dimitri Nikolaev from next door, I've taken Rhiannon around South Bank sightseeing” He said, “Oh that does sound fun, nice to meet you, also are you too hungry or thirsty?” Mum asked, “No, I’m good thank you, mum.” I told her, “No, thank you, Mrs James.” Dimitri said politely, “Mrs James is my mother-in-law dear please call me Katy.” Mum said politely, Dimitri gave her a smile, “Ok, thank you Katy it was nice meeting you too.” he said with that friendly smile of his that I like.

Nodding my head for Dimitri to follow me as soon as we were out of her eyesight I grabbed his hand, as we got closer to the bottom of the stairs. “Any reason why you didn’t want her to see this?” He asked holding our joined hands up for me to see, “Because I want her to like you because of you not because of what we are doing.” I stated, “Well then in that case we are keeping it PG down here.” He stated, I groaned and gave him the puppy dog face, “Oh really? Nah all good I was thinking of the same thing.” I laughed at the face he was pulling. “Wow, you have your own lounge room and kitchen too?” He asked shocked, then he smirked at me, “So which room is yours?” He asked, “For now yes, dad said if he cannot find a suitable studio down here this area will become it. This one is mine and that one is my big brother’s room.” I told him pointing out my door, and he walks into my room looking around, “Cool room, also you should text me on nights you want me to jump the fence.” He said with a playful smirk on his face.

“Well aren’t you full of it?” I asked laughing, “Ahh so hurt right now Rhiannon.” He does the playful fake hurt, walking right up to him grabbing ahold of his shirt pulling him down towards me kissing him, his hands going right to my ass gripping it tightly as we both moaned out into the kiss. “Mmm, what was that for love?” He asked, “You looked really sexy, standing there in my room.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “I look sexy?” He asked raising one eyebrow up, I laughed hard, “Oh please Dimitri you know you’re hot.” I stated, and he laughs with me, “Did you want to see the photos?” I asked, he gently strokes the side of my face brushing away my hair, “How about you show me them when you have finished editing them?” he softly said, “Ok, I can do that.” I said, his phone starts ringing, and he pulls out and groaned when he sees who was clearly, doesn’t look happy with whoever is calling him however he still answered the phone call.