These Feelings Are Scaring Me

I woke up late no one was home at all, I knew mum and Alex would have been already gone for work but the other two wondered where they have gotten to. I walked into the kitchen and the clock says ten a clock in the morning, wow I had slept in big time. I found a note on the kitchen bench from dad. “Hey Sweetheart, I believe you got in late so I have let you sleep in, myself and Charlie have gone exploring the city. Text when you are awake and I’ll tell you where we are so you can join us with your camera, I love you Dad xo.”

Ahh, dad that sounds like a great day, I ran downstairs and had a shower, and started to get ready. I chose to keep it simple today with a white band shirt that has a funky picture on it, teamed up with casual jean shorts, shorts, a white thin overcoat, sandals, and hair out straight with natural makeup today. I sent off a text to dad to let him know that I am up and would love to hang out with him. Dad had texted back telling me that they are at Roma street parklands, which sounds great he has also texted me on how to get there thank God cause I wouldn’t have known how to. Locking up the house and headed off towards the bus stop down the street. I see a figure I’m starting to get to know to stand at the bus stop.

He noticed me and gave me the biggest smile, “Hi Beautiful.” He said, “Hi Dimitri.” I replied, “Off exploring the city today?” he asked, “Yes, don’t you have a job to get to?” I asked, “That is where I’m heading.” He said I know he has a work ute, “No ute today?” I asked, “No, it’s in for a service.” He told me, “Aren’t you late for work?” I asked, “No, I start at two and go right through to seven it’s cooler for us, plus the homeowner wants to be home when we start, plus it’s all the way on the other side of the city it will take me that long to get to the site by public transport.” He said, wow that is a massive trip, “Wow, that’s a trip and a half.” I told him, “Sure is, which way are you heading?” He asked, “You hope for some more time with me?” I asked, “Yes, all the time I can get with you, Rhiannon.” He said, I start laughing, just looking at him with that adorable look on his face and the way those words just give me butterflies, what is this man doing to me?

“I’m catching up with my dad and Charlotte at Roma Street Parklands, he said I just need to catch the bus to the train station and it will take me right to the station and just walk up to the gardens,” I said while Dimitri was giving me a friendly smile, “It’s a beautiful place your camera eye will love it, the company I work for we had been commissioned in doing a section of those gardens.” He told me, I couldn’t help it I gave him a massive smile I love hearing that about his work. “I’m hoping so.” I told him, “Will you go out with me tomorrow night?” He asked, “Yes.” I told him, and he leans down and plants a hot kiss on my lips. “Good, I will pick you up at seven-thirty.” He told me. “Ok, what type of place are you taking me to?” I asked, “A hip pub in the city, wear something beautiful for myself to enjoy.” He whispered, “Hmm I can think of a few items that can do that for you.” I said, he smirked at me.

The bus arrived we hop on and pay for our trips, we sat together in the middle of the bus, it felt good having him sitting this close to me his leg burning a hole into mine and sending juices to my core, playing with my hand that he was holding. “You really have never heard of my band have you?” He quietly asked, “Nope, can’t say that I have, why are you famous?” I asked, “We hope to be, Triple J has started really playing our stuff we have gotten so many gigs thanks to them.” He said, wow that sounds amazing for him, “Are you the lead singer?” I asked, “No, I’m the bass guitarist, I also sing in some parts of the songs. There are five of us in the band, and I live with three of them. Donat is the lead singer, Adrian is a guitarist and vocals like myself, Bohdan is a DJ, can play the keyboard but really he is a musical genius can play anything really, those three I live with and our drummer Stefan lives with his wife Grace and his two kids a six-year-old girl named Kaylee and a two-year-old boy named Jesse, they just live down the road from us.” He said, I smiled at him I cannot wait to meet them, “Cool, would like to meet them one day.” I told him.

He looked at me in shock, “You do?” He asked, “Yes, they are your best friends and the adoptive family would like to get to know them too.” I told him, “Yes, they sure are.” He said, smiling at me as he gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “What do you only have girls go for you cause they have seen you during the show?” I asked, “Yes, it’s a nice feeling meeting someone who knows next to nothing about me.” He whispered, I gave his hand a squeeze back, “Well you are easy to talk to for one Dimitri.” I told him he chuckles, “Well that is good to hear.” He said, my stop came up way too fast, I gave him a quick kiss, “I will see you later.” I whispered, and he smiled at me, “Yes you will, bye Rhiannon.” He whispered back, “Bye Dimitri,” I said before walking off the bus.