Crushing Defeat

Eight terrifying demonic avatars over a hundred meters tall and twenty meters wide surrounded the God of Poison from all sides.

They sealed the God of Poison's movements within a spherical barrier.

It was a lose-lose battle where both sides were heavily injured, but the victor was still yet to be concluded.

"Keke, do you think you've won? Eight against one... This is quite a challenge for a mortal realm class." The Great Sage Black Dragon spat out a mouthful of dark blood.

He then rejuvenated himself, and all his wounds instantly healed. Nevertheless, he was pretty exhausted.

"We can only get here, huh... It's sure troublesome facing the real immortal from the upper realm."

"What should we do? We still haven't managed to slay him."

"We have our Young Demon God."

"He's dead when our Young Demon God makes his move. We have at least proven ourselves, and he will definitely grant our request."