Artificial Hell Core

"I've seen the holy light before, but what's with this purgatory light? My eyes! Argh!" Zi Xuan covered her eyes as the holy light became too bright.

"..." Everyone was already wearing special sunglasses as if they had expected the outcome.

At that moment, the Hell Trial's spiritual roots and energy flows were purified of any evil energy. The high-level purification spread throughout the entire realm to the tiniest of cracks.

The sky of blazing blue flames died out, and the Hell Trial's temperature gradually decreased. The volcanoes, seas of fire, and rivers of lava subsided. The black mist in the air dissipated, and the atmosphere slowly changed.

It was no longer the death zone of hell but a hot vulcanoes realm.

Ely forced the realm core into submission. Countless hell creatures vanished into ashes, unable to be resurrected again due to the evil energy absence.