Dinner Party

After sunset, the forest dwellers gathered at the Sacred Mountain's forest gathering ground to join the festivities.

Every beast and demon who could participate had already joined the forest dweller group led by the sea eagle. Each of them had to prove their worth first. Also, no evil creatures were allowed to enter the Sacred Mountain.

The disciples had also gathered there, without exception.

Ely opened the event with a speech to express her happiness because they received some new friends this year. She could see many new faces in the forest dweller group.

Regardless of what happened in the last few weeks, they would always end up victorious, which should always be. They would still eradicate the evil they encountered. Still, they would not actively hunt the evil unless their target was in a catastrophic danger level.

The most important thing was always safety first. Nobody wished to lose their brothers and sisters. Therefore, reckless actions were prohibited.