Heaven Channel

[Sacred Heaven Grimoire tries to establish a spiritual connection]

[Forming a bond... Establish a contract...]

[Waiting for permission...]

"Hmm?" Elysia blinked her eyes in astonishment. She just took the Heavenly-tier grimoire out, and it immediately offered a contract.

Sacred Heaven possessed a pure, holy aura. Because of that, Elysia didn't need to think long before she gave her permission and established a contract with this living artifact.

[Permission is granted]

[Connecting to Heaven...]

[Measuring power... Error! Username: Supreme Goddess of Mysterious Origin. Cultivation Realm: 20th Rank. Origin: Unknown. Initializing... 0%... 10%... 50%... 100%]

[Welcome to the Heaven Channel]

"Hmm?" Elysia let go of the grimoire because it tried to open itself.

It opened several pages and stopped at a particular sheet. A virtual screen appeared before her vision, displaying content similar to her Elysium Chat Group.