Wasted Inheritance

"It took a little longer than I thought." Elysia glanced at the ruins and the fallen criminals on the ground.

On Elena's advice, they destroyed the Tiger Tooth Gang and several other evil gangsters. Nobody was killed, but the thugs received the punishment they deserved. They also took away the thugs' superpowers.

"Hm, unfortunately, one of the big super thugs managed to escape. He is lucky. What's his name again?" Ai returned and entered Elysia's shadow.

"Based on the list, only Byakko escaped. It's already seven o'clock, and the police will come soon. Let's leave." Elena handed over the list to Elysia. She had crossed out all the names except one.

"He's lucky, but he will still be punished." Elysia looked at the list and burned it.

The evil gang that caused so much harm and damage to society deserved a fair punishment. Sadly, the police and government couldn't handle these criminals easily.