Why Should I Suffer?

It would most likely take several days for Vanessa to find her uncle and aunt, but fortunately, she came with Luna and Lynn. The soul fox possessed the power to foresee the intermediate future, and it made the search much easier.

"Hum, anyway, why did you choose to live in seclusion deep in these remote mountains? If it wasn't for Luna and Lynn, it would be hard to find you, uncle, aunt!" Vanessa expressed her discontent, but she couldn't hide her joy.

"Hmm~ you have become a big tigress already. The Tiger Paw Forest is no longer suitable for us to live in, and we also want to get rid of the problems related to those fire lions." Leila, the light brown tiger, stroked Vanessa's head gently. No matter how great Vanessa had become, this white tiger would still be her lovely girl.