Dusk Dread, the hidden mastermind of various atrocities, felt an overwhelming chill crawl down his spine as he walked through the Sacred Sakura's mountain region. At first, he had assumed that infiltrating this sacred sect would be challenging, but still manageable. He had evaded countless formations, avoided the gaze of powerful cultivators, and even masked his presence to blend among people with flawless disguises.
Even though he aroused some suspicions from some peak-tier demon powerhouses such as the nightmare demon ancestor and the vampire progenitor, he could still save himself from the trouble.
But he greatly miscalculated. He overestimated himself.
The moment his senses brushed against the divine auras lingering within the air, sheer terror gripped his soul. The 'under construction' barrier suddenly vanished, and many prospective guests and visitors immediately came to greet Sacred Sakura's new domain.