Sewage and money

Rico, an elderly man, decided to built a house near the country beach since the land was cheap. He uses most of his retirement funds to bought the house when suddenly, the dictator decides that the beach area would be where the sewage system be. That makes Rico mad and he started joining the protest that the citizen has been holding everyday in the townhall.

While the citizens were protesting, the dictator heartlessly used the people's money to built more casino's for his own profit. More slots machine, blackjack tables means more money the people or tourist would be losing meaning the dictators profit would increase too. Even if there would be residence living across the streets, the dictator just demolishing it without even thinking for a single second and just built more and more casinos. The dictator reasons his reckless decision being that the casinos would be a cash cow and would pay itself back in the future.

Since the country was slowly getting bigger and bigger, a name would be needed to established the country identity. Obviously, since the dictator loves money, he named the country profit over people. While others were trying to recommends name, the dictator instead didn't even look at the names being nominated.

Some of the people were trying to petition to built a church when the dictator refuses those petition calling it useless since it won't be bringing any money to the country. Instead, with the profit from the casinos, he built oil well and more oil rig. The oil well was built in expense of the people houses. One of the benefit of building it there was so that the dictator would have less houses to be demolish. Obviously the statement that the dictator had made causes mayhem in the country. More people pours onto the streets to demand the dictator to step down from its position. The dictator uses the usual dictator tactics by shutting those protester voice down and bulldozing houses that dissatisfied people lived in. Rico, one of the protester, had gotten his house bulldozed since he was part of the protest. Moreover, his house was being used as a garbage site too. In the end, Rico would be sleeping on the streets freezing cold at night without any safety while the country doesn't even had any police station.