
As times goes by, every country in the world must had experience some kind of disaster striking the country. From some small earthquake to a massive tornado. And the dictator country also could potentially got hit by disaster.

One day, without any warning, tornado came struck deep into the country. Rows of houses were either damaged or destroyed. The people who couldn't ran away in time were unable to made it out of the disaster. The dictator though, told all the people that if they would blow the tornado towards the opposite site, the tornado would changed its direction. Obviously that method wouldn't worked at all as the people were running for their lives.

The tornado then slowly made its ways towards the oil rig in which the dictator was scared that the tornado would took out all the oil rig and oil in itself. As the tornado was closing in distances, the dictator gets more and more nervous. However though, the tornado just changed direction and the oil rig and the oil zone wasn't as affected comparing to the live of the people affected.

The dictator said that there were lots of dead but at least the oil rig wasn't affected at all. The dictator also said that the tornado was a natural disaster and wasn't his fault. He said that the tornado helped his job on destroying people houses so that more houses could be built and more people could pay taxes towards the country.

The road was also destroyed and the dictator needed to rebuild the road which would cost more money and he hoped that the oil money would be enough to fund the cost of reconstruction of the road. The people who were trying to cross the road were stuck in traffic as the road was destroyed. Those people was waiting for days just for the road to be back in business only to found out that there were alternatives road available if the dictator wasn't closing down those roads.

The road in which the tornado was striking were being named crap town as they were close to being unrevivable. The dictator then let the people to do whatever they want with the land that had the building destroyed by the tornado.