One of the rebels were planning on how to secure the innocent participant from getting scammed into the death game. They were suggesting ways like directly breaking into the site while trying to fend off the military which would be a real struggle with lots of deaths. The plan was then scrapped due to the risk being too high.
Another plan was to join the game itself and trying to protect the participants. That was a really good plan as the military might not knew if the rebels were joining the gameshow. However, due to the requirement of joining the gameshow was to either had an incurable disease or losing a limbs. They were thinking of how to hide a limbs so that it would made the requirements to join the game. In the end, one of them were willing to sacrifice one of their hands for the sake of saving the scammed people.
The one who sacrificed their hands were a really good fighter too. He could kill 40 people using a small butter knifes. So the rebel all felt that he would be the best choice for the plan. His name was ring. To prepare for the game, he trained his body by only using one hand for his daily routine. If there would be a chance that the dictator saw a suspicious movement from ring, he would be directly captured and killed. So this training was one of the important part of the plan.
The idea of losing a limb just to save the people wasn't really a good idea according to one of the leader as he thought that why try to do something that dangerous. So he thought out of another idea in which Ring would be using his shirt that would be able to hide out the other hand. This plan was close to jeopardy when those idea were suggested. The leader also said that even if Ring got caught, then the whole rebel crew would came and safe him from the hands of the dictator.
On the day of the gameshow, Ring was injected with a chip to track his whereabout. Then he came towards the stadium in which each people were standing or sitting in a line. The military was involved in keeping out the outsider trying to enter the area. Each person was being blindfolded and put into a buses then being transported like a livestock for 10 hours before arriving in an island full of abandoned building.