
The dictator was confused as to what to do with the money he had currently. Instead of using it to build services the country needed, the dictator was thinking of making investment to made more money. Even if the people suffered, if the dictator earned more money, he could used it more for his own satisfaction.

He was finding a good investment when one day through the social media, the dictator found an account recommending a crypto coin. The dictator doesn't even knew what crypto was until he research about it. Then he saw that a person could became rich by just investing in cryptocurrency. The dictator was really happy that there were a good investment that was available in the world. The cryptocurrency was for the dictator a chance to get even richer quickly. So, he directly opened an account and blindly invest in some shady coins.

One of the slave were advising the dictator to invest in a stock that would had a potential to increase by hundreds of percent. The dictator obviously were angered by the advise but then thought that if there was a possibility to earned money then it would be best to try and invest in it. If it loses money, the slave would be getting the ropes, and their organs would be sold to cover up the loses.

The crypto coin that the dictator invest was the coins that the dictator doesn't knew anything about hoping for it to increases rapidly. It was like gambling in the casino but instead of the real casino, it was the internet casinos. In the end, the coin went down rapidly instead of going up and the dictator loses nearly half of his money. But he still was stubborn that it would increased in the future and to just trust the process. Well the process to bankrupt a country was much more insight when his crypto account got hacked and half of the coins were being robbed. The dictator gather a group of investigator to investigate the thieves stealing the coins. This would be the start of the mystery of the rebels.