In the school, the dictator created a class divide between the students who had the money and had the connection with the dictator would be getting a privilege of not working and just went to school to study. Of course, in order to had that privilege, they needed to be paying to the dictator the amount of money the dictator wanted and along with a job they would be having which was the school insider information. Also, if they were to try and betray the dictator, he would be torturing their parents in front of them. So, they had no choice but to comply with the dictator demands. Some of them did actually didn't care if their parents were being tortured, because they wanted the privileges the dictator had given.
The more unlucky students, without any privileges, were being herded like a sheep, working in the mines trying to survive each days. The privileged students were all monitoring and bullying all of their classmates without any power. This were slowly eating away their patience, which slowly causing some resistance. The dictator knew that if there were a little resistance, it would grew bigger until it became a huge problem in the dictator utopian society.
This would be the reason why the dictator had always tried to monitored and get a hand of the problems he could be solving easily by killing. The student bodies that had already died would be used for the protein handed out by the dictator towards the less fortunate students. They would all be a cannibal which would solve the food problem inside the country by itself since there were a lot of dead bodies stockpile inside the graveyard. The dictator thought that letting it rot instead of using it efficiently would be a huge loss for the country economy and the dictator wallet.
The dictator then thought about a way to preserve the dead bodies by building a giant freezer and hang all those dead bodies so that they wouldn't be rotting quickly. The dictator doesn't only promote cannibalism in the schools cafeteria, he also promotes it in some of his personal restaurant. He promotes that eating human meat would lower the pollution in the world, but also saving environment compared to burying the dead bodies. He uses the science of cow meat as a reference.