(Trigger warning)
One of the students started a rumors in the school that one of the students were being cursed by a ghost before and that was the reason why he was dead the next day. The other students were shocked by the idea that one of the students were being cursed.
Dick, one of the students, were a bastard that would always bullies the weak. The other students were also annoyed every time he shows up. Sometimes, he would force himself on other students sometimes too. The reason why he would get away with it was that due to him able to did the dirty work the privilege students had ordered him too in exchange of freedom to did anything he would wanted to do in the school legal or illegal.
Some of Dick victims were having PTSD of what Dick had done to them. One of the victims were even trying to kill himself due to the grim memory he had with Dick. Every single day he was being raped by Dick. All parts of his body had been licked or touched by Dick. He felt that he was dirtied by all the things Dick had done to him. Luckily, before he killed himself, one of Dick victims comes to the rescue. They both broke down in tears while hugging each other.
They both then decided to try and kill Dick with drugs. They both would be forcing Dick to used all of the drugs they could obtain with the money they had earned. The plan was to kill Dick in his sleep. If they could pull this off, the other students would not suffer in the hands of Dick anymore. So they both did it and it works.
The whole school were to be thrown into a chaos by the death of Dick. Some of the students started to thought whether the school was safe anymore. But the dictator knew that any hesitation on his side meant that the other students would try to voice their concern to the outside world. So in order to avoid the secret in the school, the dictator uses Dick as a scapegoat and made sure that he was a criminal.