
The dictator after wiping out the whole city, would rebuild the city with more casinos and stadiums for concerts. He also banned cars and trucks from entering the city since he wanted his people to get stuck gambling without a way to escaped the city quickly. Fast food restaurants were being placed all around the city especially in the casinos for the addicted gambler to ate and drink in the restaurant. Once they had gotten unhealthy enough, they would just sit there and gamble their life away eating junk food. After their soul had left the body, their body would be sold to the butcher. The dictator would be earning more money through this process as quickly as possible. But firstly was that he wanted to build a really nice huge roads leading to major casinos hub. By interconnecting all of the casino hubs in the city, the people doesn't had any choice but to waste all of their life savings into the casinos.

Then, before the dictator started banning vehicles, he wanted to trap the people so that they would enter using their cars before the dictator took them away. Then by trapping the people in the city, the dictator would put laws in the city, forcing the people to gamble their money at the casino at least once per day. The people who doesn't had the money to gamble could get a bit of money for free in the casino by borrowing them. Then they would be force to gamble the money since if they tried to escape the casino with the dictator moneys, the security would search and capture them before beating them in front of the crowd to their deaths. Their whole organs would be sold to the people in need for more money while as per usual, their bodies would be used for food.

The dictator doesn't build any public services in the city since for him, it would be a waste of time and money to build it. Children would be taught how to gamble so that the future generation of the dictator countries would be based on gambling addiction. Life in the city would be like a paradise, full of gambling addicts and dead bodies slowly getting eaten by insects.