MDA corporate building. An enormous black stygian located at the South Brethren with a stunning view over the city. The entire building is made with tinted and clear glass and black modern aesthetic exterior design. The height of the building is noticeable from a far away. This architectural masterpiece attracts most of the influential people in the business industry to invest.

Inside their car, Sumire's eyes were darted at a certain man standing big and tall in the distance. His massive back faced her. She knew right away it was him! Everything went blurry to her and she only saw and no one else but that man.

Sam parked the car and Sumire didn't wait for him to open up the car door for her. The maiden quickly gets out from the back seat. She flipped her hair on the back as she sauntered down the spacious lobby of the building while her bodyguard was left inside the car.

The afternoon air gently sweeps her long hair and her white faux fur. She walks down the place like a runaway model. She emerge with shiny curls, perfect-looking skin, alluring long dark lashes, with her crimson lips slightly lifted. Her sexy fitted outfit flared every time her hips swayed.

Men and women turns their heads, gasped at her afternoon beauty. They all stared at her, awe and completely mystified by her enchanting beauty. Chatters and gossips linger in the air in a split second.

"What a beauty!"

"She looks like someone I know."

"Is she an idol?"

Unbeknownst to her, someone was watching her move in the distance. As Sumire gets closer at the man, someone from the left side, a 6'6 ft man dressed in all white apparel and a pair of gloves with a disinfectant spray on his hand. He quietly watched the maiden's action and slowly stride horizontally towards her direction.

Even before she could reach the man's place, Sumire was slightly taken aback when she was greeted by a moving white massive wall, blocked her way.

She looked up at the stranger's broad chest.

'Oh, an Angel! He will surely escort me to the God,' she grinned mischievously.

Sumire brightly smiled and meet his eyes. The man towered her with a frowning angelic face. Devoid of emotions, a silver gray-haired man with an arctic pair of blue eyes squinted and degradingly look at her from head to toe. He has dark-silvered eyebrows that knitted into a thin line and silver long eyelashes hovered in his eyes and lips firmly closed. Behind his white tuxedo, she knows lies his perfect body figure.

"How did the likes of you end up here?"

The silver gray-haired man said in a stern tone and eyed her skeptically. His enticing, constellation-blue eyes coldly gazed over her face. Sumire was slightly gaped and stunned. She cockily stared at him and angling her head on the side. Her brattish behavior is now noticeable.

"I need to speak with that guy over there."

The maiden said. She playfully curled the strand of her hair and at the same time, pointed out the man behind him. But the white gray-haired freak quickly and rudely sprayed her using the disinfectant with him.

"I didn't know Dermatobia hominis evolve and had hands now."

The man said and disgustingly look at her like a filthy flying insect. Sumire's nostril flared, gaped and she lifted an eyebrow at him. 'This tadpole may have an angelic face but he was a pure devil inside. Hmph!'

"I am too much pretty to be a human botfly."

Sumire said in a stoic face. For the very first time, she made him stunned on his feet. The white-haired guy was quite surprised by her to be the first one to counter his insults.

He smirked.

"Tsk. The subphylum medusozoa now has a brain. Impressive." He said and raised an eyebrow at her as well. 'Yes, she is a beauty. But who knows she has no brain at all?'

"Oh, so now I'm a jellyfish."

Sumire scoffs and laughs sarcastically. She steps closer and stands confidently in front of him, staring into his icy arctic blue eyes. She crossed her arms on her chest. Her small cleavage is now slightly peeking at him.

"Young man, I don't have time to compete with you in Science, be it in geology, biology chemistry, all branches of science. I ACE that subject from elementary to college...", she smirked widely when she saw his brows deeply knitted.

"Don't test my intelligence. Never. I can recite to you every atomic number, acid-base properties of higher-valence oxides, physical state, electron configuration, atomic weight, symbols, crystal structures in the periodic table, and many more at this very moment."

She sassily added.

The man was quietly impressed with her guts but his face remained stoic. He was entertained for the first time. For him, he was too clever and smartest human being with the people around him, and that he wasn't fitted in this world. He always thinks that he was born in the wrong era. But this little sharp-witted hominid can level his intelligence caught his interest. 'But I'm far superior than her in many aspects.' He arrogantly said and smirk inside his mind.

He looks down at her. She gives him the same degrading look with her eyebrows remained lifted. 'This is the first homo neanderthalensis who remained withstand after being insulted. Truly fascinating!'

"How should I address you, my first and newly discovered but nearly extinct specie?"

The white-haired stranger asked wearing a crude stare, suspiciously scrutinizing her whole appearance. The maiden triumphantly smirked.

"I'll take that as a compliment. But I really must have a word with that man...", she was interrupted again when he leaned and began spraying her entirely. He sprinkled her with disinfectant alcohol from all over her body.

"Enough. Damn it! The name's Sumire. The one and only. And will you please, stop it! Aish!"

Sumire yelled and glared directly at him. Her eyes are now colder than ice. His cold demeanor remained visible on his face and made her feel unwanted in the place. They got a few of the employees' attention who was now eyeing them, curious at their clamor.

She's already at her limit!

"If you don't want to go extinct, refrain yourself from pointing at my boss."

He coldly said and remain unbothered at her smoldering and murderous looks darted on him. She raised an eyebrow at him again.

"So, he is your Boss. Kindly tell him I need to speak with him."

Sumire calmly said but in a bossy tone and regained her posture back. She stood properly and fixed up her silver faux fur shawl that was slightly disheveled. The man narrowed his eyes, coldly stare at her. He leaned to meet her face down that she was slightly taken aback.

"If you don't need your striking midnight eyes anymore, just let me know. I will donate them to the sarcophagidae, they surely love to feast with your eyes. You see, my boss was talking to someone."

He said emphatically. Sumire quickly looks away and gazes in the man's direction, only then did she realize the mysterious green-eyed man she was looking for is with someone wearing a business suit.

Sumire blinked twice and gulped hard. She was so engrossed in him that she didn't notice the other person the man was conversing with.

"Oops, my bad. But I can wait."

Sumire determinably said. This time, she will keep an eye on him. She must speak with him whatever the consequences are!

The white-haired man stood properly back and frowned when he saw the glint of determination and stubbornness in her eyes.

"You don't have to. You didn't even know his name. Who knows what class of animals were you belong to."

He said and once grossing out holding her soft silver shawl on the back of her neck with his fingertips and raising it. Sumire was slightly fall back like a kitten and met his eyes.

"You might be the smartest living invertebrae, I can give you that. But that makes you more dangerous. Until you'll know my Boss's name and you have an appointment with him, then you can come back here."

He added. Her eyes quickly widened, panic-stricken through her. Sumire desperately faced him and she uttered the first name that flashed in her mind.

"Lord Vladimir."

After she muttered that name, the blue-eyed man release her abruptly. He took out his left gloves and followed the right one without taking his eyes off her. He put them in his pocket and sprayed his hand with the bottle of disinfectant.

Sumire quizzically followed what he did through her gaze. He then gets a new pair of gloves and put them on.

"Then, I will exterminate you."

He uttered unemotionally and step closer to her. Sumire was stepping back. He was about to reach her arms when a big and strong hand stop his right wrist in the midair. A pair of emerald eyes darted him, cold and dangerous.

"Don't. I know her."

The mysterious green-eyed man said and look at Sumire, whose lips were now parted, and everything went slow motion as she was mesmerized at his godly beauty. Her world stopped moving. While the maiden was drooling over him, the white-haired guy suspiciously eyed at his Boss's hand grip on his wrist. His brows were knitted.

"Did you wash your hands?"

The white-haired neat freak asked at his Boss. The green-eyed man quickly dropped his wrist and reach for her hand. He pulled Sumire closer to him that she almost shove her face on his chest. She looks up at him.


The green-eyed man once turn to face him and said before preceded to walk, holding the wrist of the maiden. The white-haired man gaped, stunned on his feet, paled. He was left standing frozen like a statue, petrified and broken.



While they were traversing down the black carpeted floor, holding hands, the place appeared immensely wide and surreal. The opulent space ooze the air of luxury and ostentatiousness filled the entirety of the place. Large exclusive corporate modern offices can be seen in the distance. The place exudes dark and bold. Few businessmen and women strolling around with their attache case chatter with their co-partners.

Obviously, this place was a working space exclusive for high-class people. The design strategy fits perfectly with the clientele, guests, and brand ambassadors. Conversely, its social spaces produce more ambient lighting scheme that encourages guests to relax and enjoy the surroundings. Black carpeting and soft furnishings added the exotic beauty of the modern lobby. From luxurious sofas and splendiferous silver-gold chandeliers on which guests can relax with a cup of coffee to desk areas that are ergonomically designed to ensure the most comfortable co-working space possible.

Sumire was awe-struck by the corporate building's elegance. Everyone bows their heads on them as they strode in the middle but the green-eyed man ignores their presence. His strides were big that she almost went running.

They walked, headed straight to the tinted glass elevator.

After they boarded in the exclusive tinted glass elevator, the man quickly push the button to the top floors. Sumire blushed how he is gripping tightly her hand. He didn't release her hand.

She remains quiet and gazes at his massive back. Sumire slowly leaned and smell his perfume, it was the same scent intoxicating her that night. Sumire bit her lower lip. 'Damn, he smells so good.'

When they got out of the elevator, the immense hallway and black carpet opened up to her. This place is not a typical office building! Sumire was impressed. Every employee from lower and higher positions has their own private office room. 'Impressive!'

When they arrive at the man's office suite. He slam the door shut and locked it. The man let go of her hand and went straight to his swivel chair and sat.

The man began to scan at the organized documents on his work table. He just silently reads and reviews all the pile of files to find out which one he will reject or sign.

Sumire, on the other hand, just stared at him whose not paying attention to her. He didn't even throw a glance at her after she was brought into his office. It seems like she didn't exist inside. The maiden was speechless in her place, she didn’t know what to say to him and the man also didn’t seem to take the initiative to ask or speak.

Daringly, she asked.

"Since you brought me here to your office, does that mean you remember me? Mr-," Sumire gazes down at the man's name written on its desk name plate, "Ah, Engr. Aslanov."

Sumire's heart skipped a beat, and her cheeks are burning in red. His name brought something strange effect on her ear. It tickles her. An inexplicable sense of excitement and weird feeling surged through her veins. She bit her lower lip.

The man still wasn't looking at her. His eyes were busy scrutinizing the documents and didn't seem to listen to her.

Sumire took a deep breath, prolonging her patience that was almost running out.

"I'm here to thank you for saving me. I owe you my life but I did pay twice just to get a piece of information about you. So, I'm gonna take my thank you back."

Sumire preceded. She is still not getting a response from the man.

"About what happened between us in the car, don't worry about it. I won't sue you for that. I vaguely remember them well but whatever just-" Sumire was interrupted, didn't finish what she was going to say when Mr. Aslanov looked up to her, gazed intently into her eyes. He looked at her seriously as if trying to read what was on her mind that vividly painted on her face. Sumire swallowed hard as Mr. Aslanov's stares got deeper and deeper into her eyes.

She was holding her breath, like a frozen statue, Sumire didn't make necessary movements. Only then did she take a deep breath when he looked down again at the documents he was holding.

"Haaa ... So you're a silent type, huh?"

'I will keep speaking here until you talk to me.'

"I am Sumire Caste-Leone Massoullève. The only daughter of Chaise and Lunaire Massoullève, one of the biggest business tycoons in the country but don't get me wrong. I entered the entertainment industry without their help. Thanks to my beauty, talent, and brain, I was able to make a name in the entertainment industry!...."

Sumire flirtatiously put the strand of her hair behind her ears and flashed a photogenic smile. She continued. "I am single by the way. Damn, you know, there is only one actress that I hate the most. Her name is Victoria Scarlet! She's a slut, social climber, gold digger, leech, and pathetic bitch! Oh, forget about her! I love cats! I have two favorite cousins, Blanche is my gay cousin who was my first manager when I was a beginner to the industry and he's a genius professor at an elite academy. Clair is my famous introvert cousin and mysterious businesswoman in the business world. I like them a lot! But I like you more!"

When Sumire uttered the last five words, Mort closed the document he was holding loudly and then looked up at Sumire again. This time, the green-eyed man was seriously eyeing her while the maiden was standing nervous, her smile faded because of the man's strange look at her.

"Say it again, lady."

His gruff voice was dark with a hint of danger in his tone. The man stared austerely at her made the maiden quiver and shrink back. Suddenly aware of his intent gaze, she became self-conscious and uncomfortable. Sumire gulped hard, blinking twice as she meet his pair of cold emerald eyes.

"I, I like you."