Victoria adjusted herself and plastered a flirtatious smile on her face. Her fingers curl her long curly hair once flips it to her left shoulder. She was biting her luscious red lips and eyeing specifically the man seductively.

"Time to use my skills."

Victoria confidently said then went to Sumire and the man's place. Her pair of mountainous peaks were bouncing which she intended to do to seduce the man. But unfortunately, the man she adores never throws even a single glance at her.

She does this move every time she sees a handsome man that suits her taste and more importantly, RICH. And the man in front of her now is beyond her standards. He's beyond perfection!

With his expensive business suit and splendor car, at a glance, Victoria knew right away that the man was wealthy and not just an ordinary businessman. And that perfectly sculpted face captivates her. Victoria made him one of her targets on the list and her eyes already locks on him. She was determined to get his attention in any way possible.

"Oh, Sumire. You're here."

Victoria greets and fakes out her smile to the maiden who was slightly surprised on her feet when suddenly someone spoke behind her.

When Sumire positively identified from whom that voice came, her hands snaked around the young man's waist and turn to face Victoria.

"Oh, you're still breathing," Sumire said, flashing a beautiful smile on her that Victoria glared at her quickly and then shifted her gaze to the man, bewitching him. It was then her eyes almost pop out of their socket when she saw how extraordinarily good-looking a man he is! But unfortunately, he wasn't looking back at her.

The young man's eyes were darted only on Sumire and her hands struggling to encircle around his waist, possessively clinging. Her cheek leaning below his broad and bullish chest.

"You're so kind as ever,"

Victoria faked another smile at Sumire and looked at the man again but she failed the second time to get his attention. Her gaze went back to the maiden.

"Let me remind you how unprofessional you are, the meeting about the new project is over. Even Trevor Gordeux, your rumored idol attended."

Victoria added with a hint of humiliation that can be heard in her tone.

Although Sumire's eyebrows didn't raise, her eyes narrowed to slits, she has this vicious grin plastered on her lips while imagining Victoria's setting on fire through her eyes glowing in savage flame.

She let go of her grip on the man and stepped forward, closer to Victoria. Sumire tilted her head slightly wearing her famous stoic yet degrading look that she only did to Victoria.

"They purposely didn't tell me about the meeting, coz if they do, you'll lose your job dearly."

Sumire's smirk triumphantly hit Victoria's ego. Victoria's face reddened, blushed with anger. What Sumire was saying was true even if she denied it herself.

"Oh, it's obvious why you're here. You want to know his name, right? He's Engr ..."

Sumire was interrupted when the man suddenly spoke which made Victoria's heart thump. The depth and huskiness of the man's voice made her almost gone insane.

"Give me the schedule of your taping."

The man said with an authoritative and commanding tone. His presence is too strong that he can command a hundred battalion.

Sumire smiled broadly as she returned to the man. Her face was freed in devilishness. She now had an air of pureness and impeccable manners. Sumire darlingly looks at the man with refined and ladylike movements.

"Sure. But I don't have your number." Sumire said wearing her angelic smile while reaching her phone to the man.

Victoria, on the other hand, boiled in rage at the sudden switch of Sumire's personality. Her teeth gritted and her nose flared. Sumire was known for being fierce and savagery. But she never acts this way, sweet like an angel to a man or stranger. This is the very first time. 'What a two-faced bitch!'

The man accepted Sumire's phone immediately and typed in his personal number.

'MORT', that was the name saved on her contact list. When Mort returns her phone, he looks at the maiden.

"Shall I still take you inside?" He asked. A naughty play comes to her mind. Sumire steps closer to him and had to stand tiptoe to reach his necktie and slightly fixed his business suit.

She flashes an imp, beaming smile at him as he meets her eyes down.

"Aren't you interested to know her?" Sumire modestly said that her smile remained beautifully painted on her face as she looked at the man. But then, at the same time, she turned to face Victoria and frowned. Her smile quickly vanished in just 0.5 seconds.


The man quickly refused making Victoria audibly gasp. She dramatically holds her bulging chest. It was a direct hit. Victoria felt greatly hurt at what she heard. His brusque blasé response made her feel that she is too ugly that the man in front of them never glance at her. No man has ever been not obsessed with her beauty. His word brings thousands of daggers stabbing her pride.

Sumire smiled hugely and fixed Mort's necktie. Who would have thought this man could be an ego-breaker.

She gazes up at him.

"Then there's no need. I know you're busy with your company worth BILLION dollars."

At the same time, Sumire looked with a sly smile on her lips at Victoria's place whose eyes were scorching and darkening, piercingly staring at her. Sumire emphasizes the word “Billion”, as she knows Victoria is a gold-digger and social climber. And she will do everything just to surpass her.

But sadly she ain't Sumire's level. Victoria stands no match against her in comes of beauty and brains. She is clearly out of Sumire's league.

"Then, I have to go."

Mort said. Sumire motioned him with her index finger to come closer, and the man immediately complied. He leaned towards her. It was only when he leaned over that she realized how tall he was. He had to have been six-foot-seven. His frame built bigger than her father and any man she had seen.

When Mort leaned against her, slightly brought his ear near her, Sumire daringly kissed the side of his lips. It was sweet and gentle.

"Take care, darling." Sumire naughtily said that Victoria audibly gasped again. Her hand on her chest earlier had already covered her lips that parted.

Mort turned to face her and the tips of their noses affectionately met. Sumire frozed. Her pupil quickly dilated and cheeks blushed intensely. His pair of emerald eyes dawned on her. Their lips were just inches away.

"You should be careful." He dangerously uttered. Mort's intense gaze studied her with a predator’s unwavering attention and his gruff voice was deep along with his heavy breathing. Sumire could feel his warm breath touching her lips. She gulped. Her heart skips a beat.

Alarmed, Sumire quickly pulled away. An awkward and nervous laughs escape from her lips. Apparently, the maiden hears differently.

"Don't worry, I can handle myself very well."

Stammered, Sumire still struggled to resist the urge. She was panicking inside. The man's words were simple but they sounded different in her ears.

Mort stood back properly in a manly posture when Sumire suddenly came behind him and hurriedly pushed him into the car. It was the maiden who also opened the car's door causing the nervousness she felt.

The man, on the other hand, noticed Sumire's panic action, a grin sexily formed on his lips, broadening. By then, he had entered the car.


She simultaneously taps the window shield and waves for a bye. When Mort finally left the place, Sumire audibly sighed in relief and looked at the car in the distance.

She was back on her tigress mode. Sumire went back to Victoria's place with a very different aura and personality. Now she comes off as bossy, bitchy, too domineering.

Victoria was still speechless, her mouth hanging open, and could not move from her stance of what she had witnessed. Her gaze traversed Sumire's entirety. 'She looks completely different person earlier.'

"What are you looking at?"

Sumire hissed, frowned, and raised one eyebrow at the same time. She then walked pass through the actress while intentionally colliding with Victoria's right shoulder and entered the KCA building.

Victoria was still awe-struck at her position and was silent about what Sumire had done. She was overwhelmed with what happened today that she can't utter a word.


Klauss started his day with a smile on his face, cleaning Mort's stuff in his office. As a personal secretary, it is his job to clean his Boss' office every day, which he manages to do consistently without any disruption.

He was in good mood!, he whistled and hummed while fixing his Boss' stuff. Klauss was praying to all the angels painted on his office's wall early in the morning that no one should ruin his mood today.

After sanitizing the room, Klauss came out of the office but Sumire's smiling face at the door greeted him. He looks down at her. 'What is this pest doing out here?'

Klauss's face twitched in annoyance and his morning smile quickly faded away in just a blink of an eye.

The maiden's presence is a sore eye to him that always ruins his day. Her audacity, savage and witty comebacks always get on his nerves!

"Hi." Sumire teasingly greeted the secretary whose angelic face quickly turned grim when he saw her right at the front door.

"Have you lost your kind?"

Klauss asked unenthusiastically. But Sumire answers him with a mischievous grin.

"No. Have you?"

Klauss quickly turns his back on her. Lips squinted into a thin line, the man inhales deeply and a wretched smile formed on his lips with his face contorted in vexation. He couldn't hide his annoyance anymore and faced the maiden.

"Do you badly want to be the sun of my life?"

Klauss asked, shone a plastic smile. Sumire's grin grew even wider.

"Oh, sweetness. I would love no---"

"Then stay 92,955,807 miles away from me."

Klauss's arrogant and plastic smile remained plastered on his face, thinking he could outsmart her this time around. He slightly leaned, wearing a mocking smirk greets the maiden down. Eyebrows were sternly raised and both hands thrust in the pocket.

Sumire noticed that Klauss getting closer to her, she met his gaze with her iconic smize look. 'Tired of science and now he's using idioms? Tsked. '

"Don't get too close to the sun, sweetheart. Plastic melts."

Klauss stopped, eyes squinted straight at Sumire like she is the most dangerous pest that needs to be incinerated alive right away. His jaw clenched and lips pursed. She always finds a way to counter his insults. 'This woman ...'

"Where is your boss?"

Sumire asked once looking inside. Klauss, who was still upset, settled down. His day was now ruined! He wanted to argue with Sumire but he choose to ignore her existence and just let it go.


Klauss uninterestingly replied, once fixing his suit and ready to depart.

"What's None-ya?"

She asked.

"None of your business."

Klauss then leaves her and the office. Sumire frowned while nostrils flared, looking at Klauss in the distance. 'What an ill-mannered fella, hmph! Hope you trip over and fall on your way!'

Klauss flinched. He suddenly feels goosebumps all over his body out of nowhere. He stopped walking and turn around to face the maiden.

"You can wait inside."

He then preceded until his presence can no longer be seen in the place.

Sumire was about to step inside but quickly withdraw when she saw how clean and neat the room is. The office sparkles brightly, that any pest will be shame to invade the place.

She then decided to wait for Mort in the hallway.

After a few minutes of standing, a group of ladies passes through her gossip about their Boss. Although it is not her habit to listen to gossip, something had caught her attention when the chatters of the employees loudened.

"I heard Mr. Aslanov never had a girlfriend."

"Could it be that he has erectile dysfunction so Boss doesn't feel lust or any attraction towards women?"

"Yeah, I also haven't seen a woman who has been his assistant. Only men are always with him."

"Maybe the speculation is true,"

It was like a bomb explodes in a shell when she heard the last words that she did not expect. Sumire's gaze quickly darted to the group of ladies talking openly behind their Boss' back.

"Mr. Aslanov is gay."