Long minute of calming himself after fighting against the urge to be inside with her earlier, Mort dressed her back again. He scooped her out of the bed in a bridal style. When he came out of the suite, Klauss and the clean hallway opened up to him with no trace of blood or prints from the five people he had killed earlier.

"Boss, everything is already taken care of."

Klauss greeted him and glanced at the maiden who was fully enwrapped in her Boss's coat and sleeping soundly on Mort's broad masculine chest.

"How about the girl?" Mort asked in a cold tone. He found no one from their men known as THE CLEANERS left in the hallway. They all leave after they disposed of the dead bodies, leaving no traces of murder inside.

"Someone fetch her." Klauss bowed slightly and dared not to meet Mort's darkened eyes. He could feel the tremendous bloodlust oozing out from his Boss.

Mort never spoke again and preceded to walk out of the suite. The secretary immediately followed him to the basement of the Paradisò Hotel where the car is waiting for them.

Klauss opened the car's door he brought for his Boss and the sleeping maiden. It was one of Mort's car possession, a Bugatti La Voiture Noire. He then entered the driver's seat and took the wheel. Klauss opened the car's engine and they left the place.

While quietly traversing the midnight of the city's road. Inside the dim car, Mort broke the silence.

"What's the schedule for tomorrow?" Mort asked as Klauss glanced at the Boss through the front mirror who is sitting in the backseat next to the maiden leaning against his shoulder and he slightly hugged her.

"9 AM, you have a conference meeting with MDA shareholders about the company's lost money. 1 PM, your presence is needed in the underground to meet Don Fergus. That's all your schedule for tomorrow."

Klauss replied, frowning, as he glanced in the sidecar mirror. His jaw clenched with what he saw.

"Why is there a big vacancy in the schedule?"

Mort asked. He looked at Sumire who had her head slightly bowed. He gently pulled her head against his shoulder so she could sleep comfortably. The maiden snuggles and makes a purr sounds like a kitten.

"I cleared the rest of the schedule as these two are more important. Day after tomorrow, your hectic schedule will return and doubled."

Klauss responded. Brows creased into a frown and eyes squinted on the road, he became even more cautious and alerted.

"You can start work on the piled schedules to reduce my workload."

Mort joked but his stoic and expressionless face remain intact, resulting in a serious demeanor. Klauss could not determine if Mort was trying to be humorous but it sounded contrary to what he uttered.

"I wasn't paid to do that job of yours, Sire," Klauss replied that his gaze was fixed on the side mirror.

"Okay," Mort said, never asking him again. After short minutes of driving at normal speed, Klauss accelerated the car in pace, lips knitted into a thin line.

"This ugly white car has been tailing me the moment after we left the hotel," Klauss said and kicked the pedal to speed up the car. "I thought it was going to check-in at the hotel but no, he's still tagging at me. Tss." He added and hissed annoyingly.

"You confirm what you suspected first. Your mind might be playing a trick on you," Mort simply said and was completely unbothered.

They traveled the long highway where vehicles rarely can be seen. Klauss simply swerved the car to the random left side of each intersection road and the white impala still followed them. He studied the movement of the white impala through the side mirror. "The nerve of this rascal to mess with me," he uttered under his gritted teeth.

Klauss slows the car's acceleration and later speeds up. He misleads it in various routes but it still finds them.

When the white impala did not give up on chasing them, Klauss prepared his Armalite, a calibre assault rifle he brings earlier, and placed it next to him. Legs slightly parted, Mort lifted the sleeping maiden from her seat and made her sit on his lap. He embraced her safely in her waist with his big warm palm pressed her head on his neck as if protecting her while his right hand was already holding a gun. His desire for bloodshed came to life again.

They turned five times more until they were completely out of the city, the white impala car still tailing them. Klauss drove the car toward the nearest abandoned building far away from the households.

Klauss aggressively swerve the car like a pro racer and stopped it. Now they were facing the white impala car that had also stopped. They are only a distance away.

Blazing with anger, Klauss got out of the car with the armalite on his shoulder. He was ready to massacre whoever was inside the impala. 'You are so dead!'

Klauss tapped the impala's windshield, looking cold and dangerous.

"Show yourself or none of you will be spared by my bullets. Choose." Klauss threatens the person inside the impala. No one answered him. After a short second, Klauss heard the whispers of familiar voices from the inside making his blood boil even more.

"I guess he is mad." Leroy clutches the headrest on his seat next to Narco, facing his twin.

"Who wouldn't be angry," Lyric replied in the back seat holding the big book.

When Klauss heard the voice of the twin, he was absolutely sure that Narco had instigated them to make fun of him. "How bold of these chimpanzees!" He let out a loud growl of annoyance.

The impala's windshield slowly came down and Narco's cool face appeared on him. A big sly grin plastered on his face when he saw Klauss's pissed off face.

"Relax, old man," Narco said as Klauss's nostrils flared in anger.

"What is your damn problem?!" Klauss hissed once cocking his gun in front of Narco. The twins inside the car peeked at him.

"We just want to surprise you on your birthday, right boys?" Narco said once looking at the boys, who were now smiling from ear to ear.

"Aye!" Leroy and Lyric responded in unison. Klauss shot them deadly glares.

"My birthday was last month." Klauss's face was blank and expressionless as his glare shifted to Narco.

"Advance surprise birthday. Only if you can manage to live next year." Narco meaningfully said and grinned foxily at him.

Face contorted in rage, his muscles grew tense and he cracked his knuckles, Klauss mercilessly shot the tires and fired all the bullets at the impala that the three jackasses were riding on.

Leroy, Lyric, and Narco's great flexes and agility evaded the bullets and get out of the car. Narco and Leroy, who did not go through the car's door, came out of the impala's windshield and helped Lyric with the book. The three of them ran toward Klauss' car where Mort and Sumire boarded in the backseat.

They quickly entered the phantom car, carrying an enormous book signed and authored by the three of them: Narco, Lyric, and Leroy. It was a birthday gift they made for Klauss, a well self-made scientific book about bacteria and viruses that the three of them worked hard to figure out how to eradicate Klauss's most hated organism. But due to their weak minds in this field of study and they made no effort to understand the complex scientific terms, failed research, they accidentally made a book on how to multiply the bacteria and viruses in numbers.

They immediately saw Mort and Sumire still asleep in his arms. Leroy, Lyric, and Narco quickly turn to Mort but their eyes are drawn to the sleeping beauty in Mort's arms.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" Lyric curiously asked as his hand reached for Sumire's hair.

"Is she your step-sister or cousin?" Second question from his twin, Leroy. His forefinger reached to poke Sumire's cheek. Even before their hand and finger could land on the maiden's cheek and hair, Lyric, and Leroy withdraw in nervousness. The dark aura and expression on Mort's face stopped them both.

The twin and Narco fixed up inside the car like a child behaves themselves properly and sits quietly in front of their parents. Narco could feel Mort's piercing eyes on him, sighing in defeat. The three of them looked out the window while waiting for Klauss.

After Klauss fired all the bullets at Narco's impala, he immediately returned to the car where the three young chimpanzees had taken shelter.

When Klauss got into the car, he was shocked at what he saw. The three of them are now seated quietly, properly, and behave in their seats. Their naughtiness was all gone in just a blink of an eye. His Boss's pair of dark, soulless emerald green eyes darted on the shrub. Mort's dark aura and bloodlust instinctively overwhelm the place as if warning someone in the fore. Klauss himself didn't dare to meet his Boss's eyes.

Klauss smirked as he looked at the three who looked firm and proper in their places.

"Oh, where's the naughtiness of you three have gone?" Klauss asked to which none of the three answered. They only cast a glance at Klauss and looked back at the outside.

"Let's go."

Mort commanded in a cold voice. Klauss obeyed and they left the place and drove back home. They were a distance away from the abandoned building when the impala on which Narco and the twin were riding exploded. Not far from the explosion, a black Bugatti car was hidden in the wild bushes and shrubs, was the real one tailing them, but Narco's impala unknowingly preceded him.

"It's your lucky night. Next time, I will make sure your demise is inevitable, Mr. Aslanov," said the mysterious person who has smiling maniacally, eyes gleaming wickedly.