A cold breeze swept across her face while staring deeply into his orbs of green. Him between her tighs, a number of rockets continue to explode into the night space creating thousands of splendid luminescent green colors behind him matches his eyes. Her gaze traveled down on his adam's apple moving up and down. From his masculine chest down to his well-built abdomen, an orb of sweats rolling and sexily dripped over her. His manly intoxicating aroma lingers in her nostrils made her heart thump. Her eyes went back to his face and admired his exquisite looks, sculpted with perfection. It took almost half a minute before Mort broke their intense gazes.

"Wear this," Mort ordered as he handed his shirt to her.

Sumire's face blushed when she saw herself almost naked. Mort dressed her in his big black t-shirt that almost reached her knee. 'I feel like ... dirty ...' she utters in her mind.