Sumire argued with the policeman who was guarding outside her house that very morning. She had been begged for almost an hour to visit a friend and be back before dusk. She badly wants to see Mort. She wanted to be with him and comfort him during Dieu's tragic end. Even though the brothers are not close to each other, the maiden knows deep inside Mort cares for him and he was affected by the loss of his brother.

"Please officer, this is important. I need to see him." Sumire begged and pleaded, but the officer was hard as a stone. He stood simply unbudging, despite Sumire's best efforts to make her spare. The police still would not change his mind.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you are not allowed to leave your home." Unmoved on her pleads, the officer said without eyeing her.

Sumire let out a sigh of defeat. She turns around disappointedly and walks back inside the living room. They give her no choice but to do what has been playing on her mind since earlier.