"Well, I am Narco after all."

The young man smilingly replied. Narco was sitting on the top step of the stairs and Mort sit next to him two feet away from his place. Mort said nothing. A wave of silence reigned between them and Narco just looked away.

One o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to gloom. The sun is sinking in the misty shroud and the clouds hovering, dark and heavy, threatening to burst. The air smelled of oncoming rain and the short piercing gust of wind shook the trees while the leaves soar through the air. The sound of waves crashing on the beach can be heard in their place.

"Do you remember how old you are when we met?" Mort asked, facing upwards, towards the gloomy clouds as Narco swallowed hard.

"Not the exact number. Come on Dad, I am too young to remember." Narco kiddingly laughs making Mort fall into silence.

"But you do remember where we first met?" Mort asked again and Narco laugh thunderously once more.