Mind filled with dark thoughts and thick eyebrows knitted together, Mort got back to his car. He wanted to go back inside the manor and get the maiden to elope with him. He wants to lock her away on his island but he knew, chaos will take place if he would do such a thing. Now is the most dangerous time in the Underground. If he is not careful with his actions, he might trigger wars and it might even reach the surface. He must be calculated in every decision he made. He was torn between the conflict of the Mafia world and his desire to conquer the woman from her family. He doesn't have the slightest clue in mind who the Puppeteer is.

Klauss opened the backseat and Mort get in. From the front mirror, his eyes witnessed how his Boss looked disappointed and defeated at the same time. Whatever happened inside the Massoullèves' manor, Klauss knew it wasn't good. And he was just thankful that Mort didn't make another mess.