When they arrived at the CION brothel, Leroy, Victoria, and Yakov were immediately greeted by Mort's men in the lobby. All of them were dressed in formal black business suits. Yakov and Leroy walk ahead as Victoria tailed them behind, holding tightly on the jacket. Stunned, Victoria's eyes widened when she was finally able to return to CION Brothel where her life started to get better and her life changed, which later turned for the worst because of the wrong decision she made.

'If only I hadn't left this place, maybe the misfortunes and nightmares I'm facing right now wouldn't have happened to me.' said Victoria to herself with great remorse.

The actress asks herself why they brought her back to the brothel. Creux Morosov, the owner of Brothel entered her mind. Victoria couldn't bring herself to believe that it was Creux who ordered to bring her back. She leaves the place without having a proper conversation with the owner of the pleasure house.