Klauss and Mort immediately left the private airport with the sleeping maiden and took the road out of Brethren City. The long highway rested in silence as the starry black sky wept over it. The cool monsoon air carried a sweet moist scent of the night. The silver moonlight travels through the trees and sheds on the land.

"Boss, what's your plan now? The Massoullèves will surely hunt you down for taking Sumire without their permission. What you're doing is kidnapping, Boss." Klauss asked looking at Mort through the front mirror of the car. He drives and takes them to the place he was ordered to.

"I have everything under control. The Massoullèves will never know I took their daughter away. Sumire is mine." Mort replied in a cold tone with his famous stoic face. His eyes locked on the beautiful lass sleeping in his lap.