Mouth falling open and fingers touching her parted lips, Mischa felt her muscles stiffen. She throw an incredulous stare at Narco seated next to her who was now creepily smirking from ear to ear. Narco's impostor was very pleased with her reaction. She was now fuming with anger. They may have successfully copied Narco's appearance but they will never be him. Even Narco's usual expressions are copied perfectly by them but there is still something different, something off with these clones. The overwhelming emotion was visible on their faces which is far from the real Narco who was born emotionless.

Mischa lowered her head. Her brain went blank for a few seconds, trying to process what was happening. Her sense of hearing stopped working and she could no longer hear the gunshots and explosions nearby. Her heart beat rapidly, not because of fear, but the strange excitement that rose in her chest. A manic smile curved on her lips.